Chapter 107: The Girl with green Hair

The class went by with ease and now I even talked to someone new but it was time to go check out this dorm. So that's exactly what I did, the dorm wasn't very far. 

The key definitely made it easier to find too so as I approached the door I opened up to see someone in there already. Another female? Why?

"New student? Welcome. My name is Tao Lihua." She introduces herself. 

This is definitely not something I'm use to but it's not the worse scenario. A beautiful girl is in my dorm room right now so why would I have any problem with it. 

"Yes my name is Mika, nice to meet you." I reply back to her. 

Her long green hair was the first thing I noticed before seeing her dark blue eyes, but she was also dressed quite well. It seemed everyone here dressed rather nice and I don't know why that is. 

"Did you get your rank yet?" She asks while getting closer.