Chapter 117: Battles

The two guys left ahead of us went down pretty easily but it was still a pain in the ass to deal with. The fights with them weren't as I thought but we beat them and and made sure that Tao and Shen were okay. 

Violet had already appeared to be up so we were almost back to a whole team. 

"Time to keep moving ahead then?" Jun says while looking at us. 

"Yeah, we have to find our way off this floor." I reply as I stand back up. 

Nobody on my team had any serious injuries so we didn't need to waste any time patching anyone up. They just got the wind knocked completely out of them.

"Thank you for winning the fight guys." Tao says while standing up. 

Me and Jun just gave a nod as we realized that we did come in clutch for the team. Though I would've won regardless of Juns help.