Chapter 126: Defeat (2)

The plan was set in motion, it was time to set traps for the impending teams. Even though I was hurting, this wasn't the worst to set up. 

A simple trap that would catch the others off guard. The trap worked a lot like a bomb connected to a trip wire so it would be set off rather easily. 

"Mika you still have to be careful." Tao says while helping next to me. 

"I know. I'll be okay." I reply while standing up. 

The trap was about done so it was time to wait for the other teams to arrive but we didn't know who was coming. That was the only mystery of it all since we couldn't go back to the other floor or see what's happening on that floor. 

We had nothing but time on our hands for the time being. 

"You think this will help in any way?" Jun questions.

"It's possible but it doesn't guarantee victory for us or anything." I respond while looking back at the door.