Window fall! (Part - 2)

The air was passing by them as they fall down. Jasper was tightly embracing her, while Theo eyes were shut.

"Why the hell am I falling together with him? That's not what I planned to do," she mumbled as she fall down.

As soon as they fall in the swimming pool, the water from the sides, poured outside.

While being inside the water, bubbles started to run out of her mouth and she pushed him and tried to reach upside so as to get some breath inside her frail body.

She was weak enough to die from suffocation and finally her head was out of water.

She panted and pressed the hair back which was stuck at her forehead after being soaked.

He too came upside and gently caressed his eyes with his palms.

"Did you pushed me to make it interesting?" he asked.

She was panting and rather then answering him, she tried to reach the stairs which was placed at the side to help people out of the pool.

He smirked evilly and grabbed her both shoulders, quickly, he pushed her under the water and dipped inside too.

She was out of breath and was struggling to get out, but his heavy hands placed on her shoulder was too much of a burden.

Twenty seconds later, she was lying on the ground beside the swimming pool while coughing water and panting.

As soon as her eyes opened, his seductive face was directly above her while water was dripping on her through his hair.

She pushed him aside and sat down while looking at her shirt. "Huh! It was good that I wore the chest binder or the secret this family is trying to hide from 16 years, would have been found out by this bastard," she thought and slowly got up.

He giggled, "I never knew that a sword fighter can't even hold his breath inside water! Anyways, how did you felt inside the water?".

Theo glanced at him and then at her window. She was annoyed by his mocking smile which was taunting her.

"What I felt has nothing to do with you! Now go away!" she yelled and took a step.

"Aren't you mad about the fact that I tried to kill you? Don't you have many questions to ask from me?" he said and passed his hand through his drenched hair.

She sighed and said while staring at him through her penetrating eyes, "Does killers need a reason to kill people!" she replied.

It was the perfect answer he have ever heard and he smirked, "Yes, you are right! But why does your mind works similar to mine, as if you have killed many people, too".

It was the truth that she have killed many one and the fact that he realized it, gave her a terrifying feeling as if he could see through her.

She turned her head away and replied, "Why are you asking me such a question when you don't even have the guts to believe it? It's not like you will believe that this body of mine have never wielded a sword neither went through any training. So, for what reason are you asking me such a question!".

He was awestruck by her cold words that felt dashingly cool on her drenched self, and he smirked.

"I believe that you have never wielded a sword and I believe that you have got no training, but it is also me, who don't want to believe and keep a hold on you by taking advantage of your weakness," he said, his eyelids raised and a seducing smile pressed on his face.

It creeped her out and she hugged herself while thinking, "He is more madder then me, its better for me to keep distance from him or it will take me another life to repent for my bad deeds".

Avoiding his eyes, she turned back and started to walk. "Don't you want to learn how to wield a sword properly, I will teach you, so how's that, does it sound good?" he asked.

His sudden words were quite amusing and she stopped and turned back.

"You! You want to teach me! But why do I feel that your techniques are more worse then me. If it wasn't for my weak physical strength, I would have killed you thousands of times by now" she replied mockingly.

Biting his lips, he glanced down as if something was running through his mind. "Then how about I help you increase your strength and moreover, I can even help you teach the use of gun," he said as he turned his gaze toward her.

He had a serious face unlike at those times when he used to play around with his words.

She sighed and gave it a thought. It doesn't seemed like a bad offer but why would he do that for a complete stranger?

"Aren't you afraid that I might kill you after gaining strength?" she asked, her eyes brimming with curiousness.

As he heard her words, he gave it a serious thought and stood up, "Maybe if it's you, then I won't mind".

She was surprised that his eyes were clear as he said those words. A faint smile was brimming on his face and he stared her while trying to observe her expression.

"What do you need in exchange," suspiciously she asked.

He buried his hands under his trouser pocket and said as he regained his smirk, "Just stay with me! And by that, I mean that you need to stay beside me, no matter what".

No matter how many times she gave it a thought, it doesn't sound right. Why would a guy who doesn't even know her real gender, wanted her to stay next to him? Was he in love with her?

Or maybe he realized that she was a girl and fall in love! But who even tries to kill and torture a person they love?

Everything seemed to be weird and she came to a last conclusion.

"Maybe, he is a sadist!" she thought and gulped while looking at him.

"What will you do if I reject your offer?" she asked, her eyebrows curvy and lids raised.

He shook his head stiffly while chuckling, "I am merciful enough to give you a offer and about rejecting it, its completely depend on me, and not on you".

She nodded while biting her lips, and said aloofly, "Okay, let's do that! Since I don't have the right to reject you, I will simply accept it. Now, if your wish is fulfilled, I will be leaving".

As she turned back, she stopped before starting. It was Gird whose loud and quick footsteps were ringing in her ears.

He came while running and slipped down due to the water present near the swimming pool.

Even though his loud steps were irritating her, still she laughed as she saw him falling down like a stupid person.

"Ahhh! My back, it's gone, its totally gone!" he moaned and glanced at Jasper and Theo. They both were drenched by water and looked cool in front of his stupid self.

"Why am I the only one who ends up like that," he muttered and slowly while putting his hand near the waist, he stood up.

"Prince Jasper! Did you tried to kill him by suffocating him inside the water?" he asked while forgetting his own situation.

Jasper irritatingly gave him a glare, "Does your mind only works like that?" he said.

Gird gasped and glanced at Theo. He took a deep breath of relief as he saw the only heir of the Castillo was safe and alive.

"Its not me who have such a thought, it's you, whose acts keep making me anxiousness and my mind always stops at that conclusion," he mistakenly spoke out loud rather then keeping it to himself.

Jasper gave him a terrifying look and loudly said, "Are you done with the work I gave you?".

Gird gasped.

He suddenly remembered that due to anxiety, even though he wanted to finish it, still his hands didn't worked and rather, his legs brought him there.

He shook his head while looking down.

Jasper walked straight and while passing by him, he said, "three thousand times and if you can't do that, then don't show yourself in front of me".

Theo was still staring them, and as they went away she left, too.

While changing her clothes in her room, there was many things that was going through her head like:

Why would she have the blue bead even though she was in someone else body?

Will she die again after reaching 25th in this world?.

"The world I used to live in, had the priest who helped others to identify their respective partner, but there is no one to tell me, or maybe, I don't have a partner even in this world and am bound to die after reaching the age of 25th," she mumbled.

Her eyes wavered as she heard heavy footsteps coming toward her room.

It was Nanny Ai who suddenly opened her door while panting.

"What happened?" Theo asked.

Nanny AI eyes were down and lips stretched, she was sad about something and as she slowly raised her eyes, she said, "The king is calling for you!".