Poisonous trip (Part - 2)

*It starts from the point when Theo still haven't had her dinner*

Boss Zisu, a cunning old man, who can do any work  until it pays him goodly. He is the keeper of the 'Riya Inn' and works with his wife who have an exact opposite character as him.

"Darling, do you really want to do this? What if the Castillo family creates a ruckus after his son dies? They are really powerful!" Madam Zisu said.

He chuckled as he wore his newly designed coat, "He was a mad person and who knows whether the Castillo was honest to the King or not. If he dies, I will put all the blame on Castillo's, saying that, the Castillo only heir was still mad and to hide it, his father ruthlessly poisoned him and tried to put the blame on us".

They were inside a room. Madam Zisu caressed his coat near his chest and leaned on him, she had a worried face and her eyelids were lowered.

"But, who will believe this words of your against the Castillo? Darling, please don't do this! I am very worried for you. We are already this old, why do you still need to do this things? Just forget about it and let's spend our rest of life happily," said Madam Zisu.

Boss Zisu grabbed her shoulder and slightly parted from her, looking into her eyes, he said with a Bright smile, "Behind me, there is a big hand who is supporting us and they will be the one to take over the Castillo's assets, so don't be worried and rest here. I have done many things like this and will do it again, so as to fulfill my dream of becoming the richest person in this entire country".

His eyes filled with lust and the joy of killing and earning seemed to be irresistible.

Madam Zisu could see this, she could feel what she never felt even though her husband have killed many person before.

Perhaps, it was a sign that only she could feel, and she smiled faintly and turned back, since there was nothing she could do to stop the upcoming future written by her own husband's hand.

"Boss, there is a person beside the Castillo's son. He look like a person with higher status," one of his subordinate said as Boss Zisu went toward the kitchen.

Boss Zisu ignored it with a smile. He looked like a person whose legs where in the air, rather then on earth.

He was very happy and so, he finally executed his plan, "Send this food and make sure that this special dish only reaches the son of the Castillo's".

The staffs nodded.

Dinning room:

"Young master, you should have your food first, we will eat after you," Nanny Ai said and stood before the dining table which accommodated two person at a time.

Theo glanced at Jasper, he was already sitting there and was staring him with a warm smile which looked more creepy then his previous smile.

"Its ok, lets his highness have his food first.

After all, my status is lower then his," Theo said.

The warm smile on his face suddenly faded, and he glared Theo, "Call me Jasper and this is my order not a request. And about the status, it seems that you are still unknown from your real authority, but it's ok, you will know it when you reach the capital".

Theo's eyebrow twitched and her lips become curled, she glanced at Nanny Ai, but her expression didn't helped her at all and she silently sat opposite to Jasper.

The staffs of the Kitchen, served the food and went back.

As soon as she smelled the food, her stomach grumbled and she glanced at Jasper while being flustered.

Jasper giggled and took the spoon and grabbed a mouthful from Theo's bowl.

Theo felt irritated and took the bowl away from his sight and started to eat, "As if! I am not giving you anything that's belong to me," she thought while staring him annoyingly.

Suddenly she felt confused, Jasper who can't stop spouting nonsense in front of her, was silent and staring her, and before she could ask him, she felt dizzy.

Her stomach growled and started to ache, and within a few seconds she threw up blood and head lied on the table, while arms laid lifeless.

As soon as Nanny Ai saw that, she rushed toward her and started to wake her up. Her tears kept falling and she glanced here and there for help while checking her pulse.

Boss Zisu entered inside. He had a particularly confident look which doesn't resembled of those who just experienced an accident in their Inn.

Mike who was confused by the situation, hurriedly called for the guards and they surrounded Boss Zisu while Gird went out after Jasper whispered something in his ear.

"Why are you surrounding my Inn? This have nothing to do with us! Your Young master was a mentally disabled person and he might have eaten something before coming here, which caused this," he said in a very calm manner.

His smile was agitating Nanny Ai and she slapped him after taking a few steps toward him, "You stupid bastard! Give us the antidote… quickly, or I will tell the guards to shoot you".

Boss Zisu gasped, his confident look wavered a little, "Why are you blaming me? Look at that person who is sitting together with your young master, he ate the same food, but he is still in a good condition".

Suddenly he felt a chill and he flinched.

Jasper was glaring him.

Theo's conscience:

It was all dark and many screams were making her breathless as she woke up inside her conscience.

Within the darkness, a blue light beamed and to escape from the painful screams of others, she rushed toward the blue beam. It didn't take too much time for her to reach there and the blue bead, double her size was floating in the darkness.

There was calmness near the bead and she tried to touch it, but suddenly she pulled her hand back.

"Where am I?" a question raised in her unconscious mind and she glanced here and there. She could see and hear nothing more then the darkness and the screams which was of those person's she had killed with her own hand.

"Am I dying? Huh! What an amusing question! I have died once but never saw something like this, maybe its just an hallucination and it will disappear as I touch my blue bead," she muttered and stood on her tips and slowly raised her arm to touch it.

The blue light covered the darkness surrounding her and wherever she glanced, it shimmered.

"These jerk! Dare they poison me," Theo mumbled, but right now she was out of her conscience and slowly she opened her eyes.

The first face she saw was of Jasper, whose big eyes were staring her while face showing a slight anxiousness.

"I must be dreaming right now! Gosh, even in dream he is sticking himself to me," she mumbled.

"Young master!" Nanny Ai rushed toward her while sobbing.

She quickly woke up after hearing those words and glanced at Jasper and then at Nanny Ai.

She was still feeling weak, but the effect of deadly poison had disappeared. Gird who was out from the dinning room, quickly rushed inside with a medicine box in his hand.

"Quickly, quickly make way for me," he said and stopped while being stunned by Theo's eyes which was staring others rather then being shut.

"Young master Castillo, you are awake! Let me take your pulse," he said and grabbed her left arm to take her pulse.

Nanny Ai slapped his hands away, since she feared that her pulse might show the truth about her gender and rather then him, she herself took her pulse.

"Why did you stop me?" Gird asked while being confused.

Nanny Ai didn't replied and silently took her pulse.

"You know how to check pulse?" Theo asked with her worn out voice.

Nanny Ai nodded, "Young master, I was a Doctor before I become your Nanny".

While taking Theo's pulse, her eyebrows become curvy, it was as if she was confused by something and she glanced at Gird.

"Give me the medicine you have brought," she said and injected a particular serum into Theo's body.

Boss Zisu was shocked as Theo opened her eyes, he was confused as to whether things went wrong and afraid since the work which was given to him was not executed perfectly.

He stared Theo in hope that he might have gone at least mentally retarded after taking such a strong poison, but he become hopeless.

Madam Zisu rushed inside the room and urged the guards to let him go.

"Since the young master is awake, please leave my husband," she said while worriedly staring at Boss Zisu.

The guard didn't budged and remained as they were while pointing the gun from all direction toward Boss Zisu head.

While struggling, Theo got up and walked toward him with her eyes redden because of the sudden weakness.

Boss Zisu gasped as he felt the sudden pressure coming from a child who was mentally retarded before.