Shopping (Part - 2)

Theo blazing eyes stared at her hand which was on her shoulder as if staring a pest. Cassie was not paying attention to Theo's glare as she was busy examining the T-shirt in her hand.

"You have got a pretty good taste, Theo! This will look pretty on your cousin, too" she said with a smile.

Theo was simply looking at her hand which were on her shoulder and she pushed it aside and wiped her hand with a handkerchief.

Cassie glanced at Theo as she got her hand slapped away and putting the cloth away, she put both her hand on his either side of the shoulder, "Are you feeling bad Theo? You can tell me, I will help you with anything possible".

Just by her one hand she was feeling irritated but now both of her hands were on her shoulder and she raised her eyelids to glare at her.

"If you don't want your hands to be gone, just put them away from my shoulder!" she said.

Cassie flinched back, her hands trembled as she put them down and all of that happened because of Theo's furious glare.

"Theo! Why are you acting like that? Are you mad from me because I didn't visited you once?" she asked while looking away elegantly, her sad expression looked more irritating but Theo kept herself calm.

"I heard that you forget all your memories and it seems to be true, but don't worry! I am ready to be by your side and help you," Kevin said with a smile which he usually used to coax Theo.

Mike who was more annoyed then Theo, said with a confidence look, "How dare you call the Prince by his name? His majesty have just passed the edict that from now on our young master will be referred as the Prince".

Their eyes turned big as they heard the shocking news. Since it had only been at most half an hour after the king passed the edict, no one was informed about it and so Kevin didn't knew it , too.

"Prince! How can that be?!" Kevin muttered as he flinched back.

Theo sighed and stepped aside from the mirror so as to keep her distance from Cassie who was spreading an awful vibe while showing her pretty smile.

"Since you already know it, keep that in mind!" Mike said while showing his proud face.

Kevin gritted his teeth while thinking of the huge change which took place in Theo's nature, he was vengeful that the Theo who once used to be like his dog was acting like a owner today and that was unacceptable for him.

"Yeah, no matter how a person changes they will remain the same dog they used to be once," he thought and smirked.

He glanced at Cassie as if trying to signal her for something and she nodded.

"Theo... if Theo won't say it from his own mouth then I will not address him as a prince because he doesn't like to be addressed with something else then his own name," Cassie said and looked at Theo with her hopeful eyes.

She was waiting for Theo's words which was the only way to slap Mike's face as they used to be. Mike gulped while waiting for Theo to say something.

"Yes, Theo never liked using formal words between us and he always used to hate Mike who tried to ruin our relationship," Kevin said so as to back up Cassie.

Their words, expression and movements they were all quite annoying to Theo, but what annoyed her the most was the fact that they were trying to get on her good side by showing their fake smile.

Mike who was waiting desperately for his young master to say something and defend him, felt hopeless because of her continuous silence.

"Perhaps, is Mike trying to threat you with something? No wonder you are so silent all of a sudden!" Cassie said, her worried expression and big eyes were all looking at Theo sympathetically.

Hearing their weird words, Theo was still staring them aloofly and said, "Are you crazy!".

It shocked them and they glanced at each other while being baffled.

"What do you mean, Theo?" asked Cassie.

Theo glanced at Mike who was having a bright smile and eyes filled with hope, he was nodding crazily and his thoughts were written all over his face 'Yes your highness! Rip their faces apart by your cold words'.

Theo smirked as he glanced at his expression and looked at Cassie whose eyebrows were furrowed.

"Do you still consider me as the one who was mentally unstable?" she asked, aloofness written all over her face.

Cassie shook her head and looked at her with her confused face.

"Then why do you believe that I will still be the Theo I used to be once? Of course, I don't remember you both and there is no reason for me to take you along. So if you don't want to be others target, then it will be better to do what Mike says," she said and smirked.

Both Cassie and Kevin frowned and glanced at each other. The fact that Theo was running out of their hands, was too clear to be ignored and it offended Kevin's ego.

 Cassie stepped toward her with her worried face, "Are you mad at us because I rejected you and accepted Kevin as my boyfriend?".

That sudden question left them petrified and they stood like a statue.

Why would Theo who was a woman from birth would propose to Cassie in the first place and get rejected? It was weird to begin with and Theo was too confused about her words.

"Is she lying? But if not, then why did Theo proposed to her? Is it because she was mentally unstable or is there something else?" she thought and smirked.

While she was thinking seriously, Mike was controlling his laugh. It wasn't because he knew Theo's gender and was mocking Cassie because of her foolishness, it was simply because her sad face totally looked fake and ugly.

"Then are you going to leave Kevin and accept me, if I said yes," Theo asked while having a smirk.

She gasped and glanced at Kevin with a forceful smile. It was a nice offer for her but if she accepted it, her image as an innocent and frail girl would have been ruined, so she shook her head.

"Hahaha.. I was just joking, no need to take it so seriously!" Theo mocked her as she saw her tensed face.

Being mocked by Theo, she gritted her teeth but kept the her smile, her fist clenched, "Why are you joking with me on such a topic?".

"Then why are you using such an stupid excuse to speak with me? How can you take those words seriously when it was said by me in my bad health," she replied.

Cassie started to sob and tugged Kevin sleeve.

Theo glanced at Mike and then at the shirt she have picked, "Buy them and lets leave, its too tiresome to waste our breath here".

He nodded, his face brimming with smile.

Seeing how Theo ignored them, he looked like a completely different person with the same face as the previous Theo. It was too much for Kevin and to be insulted by a person who once wagged his tail in front of him, his temper loosed its control and he said while glaring her,

"So many assassin attempts happened to you, is your father not afraid of leaving you alone? What will happen if another one tried to assassinate you?".

His indirect question was clear to Theo and Mike, and they glared at him but Theo flinched as someone embraced her from back.

"Do you want me to assassinate you?" asked Jasper from Kevin while leaning on Theo, his cheeks brushing through hers as his head was resting on her shoulder.

She glanced at him but made sure to move her head a little away from his or her lips would touch his while turning toward him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was getting bored while sleeping, so came here instead!" he replied and glanced at Kevin with his intimidating eyes, "and you dare to threaten a prince while standing in front of him, do you have a death wish?".

Kevin and Cassie both gasped as he was giving them goosebumps just by his glare.

Theo sighed, she was controlling her temper for too long, since she was fixed at the repenting matter or else their head would have gone flying when Cassie first put her hand on her shoulder.

"Who are you and how dare you embrace a Prince like this! Don't you fear his authority?" Kevin shouted but he was sweating with every word he spoke.

Theo found it weird that neither her father nor others knew how Jasper, the Prince of this nation looked like and she asked, "Why don't they know you?".

Kevin chuckled and said, "Of course, because he is just a commoner! I know almost everyone face who is a noble or a big shot, but I have never seen him".

Seeing Kevin talking about his pettiness by himself, Theo shook her head and glanced at Jasper.

"No have the guts to look into my eyes, so very few remembers my face," he replied.

Theo nodded but she was calmly standing even though Jasper was embracing her from behind.

It become a habit for her after living with him for a week.

"Well, he said that he have seen all the nobles and bigshot face but not the royalty ones, so it can be understood," Theo said and smirked while waiting for Kevin and Cassie reaction.