A Traitor or not!

"What… I .. answer..," Mr. Lilit stuttered as he become busy with his gasping out of fear.

There was still no evidence but Theo's pressurizing aura seemed to be so powerful that it left a great impact on others.

Is he really a guy who used to be mentally ill and just woke up? This question was in everyone's mind.

Selena who was mocking Theo all the time, stopped and gulped, "Brother, are you sure he is the guy who just got cured of his mental illness? Why do I feel his vibe is a little bit similar to yours when it comes to scare others," she said to Jasper but her eyes stuck at Theo.

"Well I said that he is more smarter and crueler then all the people present here except me!" he replied.

Selena took a deep breath and glanced at Jasper confident smirk as he stared Theo.

"Yes Mr. Lilit, you need to answer quickly because if my half an hour got wasted because of you, then I will consider it as you being guilty," Theo said, her eyes sparked red as a demon.

While Mr. Castillo was happy about his daughter braveness, he was worried, too, about other opinions on Theo mature behavior.

"It was 8 PM in my room, he entered inside from the rooftop," Mr. Lilit Lied hesitantly.

Theo smirked, since the timing he gave was similar to the timing when assasination attempt happened to her father and not when it happened to Mr. Lilit.

How amusing! It was more easier to solve the problem then I thought and here I was thinking about searching the tougher area.

"Then you are saying that some one knocked you down at 8 PM and then hung you on the temple pillar?" Theo asked seriously while hiding her mocking expression.

Without giving it a serious thought, Mr. Lilit nodded.

And he is right in the trap!

Theo smirked and turned back toward the King who was patiently waiting for her to put the evidence in front of him.

"Your majesty, as Mr. Lilit have said, he was hung at around 8 pm. But this makes me really curious as to why no one from the temple saw him when the church remains open up to 10 PM," Theo said.

Kade Lilit gasped and quickly tried to make any excuse he could come at that time.

"Your majesty, please believe me, I don't know what happened after that assassin knocked me out, I really don't know anything, please do justice for me," he urged with as loud as he could use his voice while panicking.

Everyone dismay gaze was showering over him instead of favorable glances and he looked down while biting his lower lips.

"Your majesty, I don't know what happened after I got knocked down but I am sure that both the son and father is involved in this incident! The newly appointed Prince was just got cured but his mental state is no lesser then his highness Prince Jasper. I am wondering what they are hiding so desperately," he said and as he made that statement.

He felt a little confident after others started to look at Theo suspiciously.

'He is too witty! He intentionally used Prince Jasper in that statement of his, so as to warn Prince Jasper that his opponent is similar in strength. He wants Prince Jasper to take care of Theo by baiting on the throne,' Mr. Castillo thought as he gulped by the situation which seemed changing time by time.

Theo glanced at Jasper and chuckled, "Well of course it's because the moment I got cured, the first person I met was his highness Jasper, and everything I have learned up to now, is because of his strict teaching. So, Mr. Lilit, you would not question Prince Jasper teaching, would you?" She had a big mocking smile on her face as she threw all the responsibility on Jasper.

No matter what, no one had the guts to question Prince Jasper that whether Theo was right or not because they knew that If Theo was lying, then her head would have went flying together with dead birds.

Mr. Lilit gasped and looked back and forth at Jasper with a shocked face as Jasper didn't reacted much.

Suddenly Jasper laughed loudly which shocked others.

"How amusing, Theo! You really are similar to me," Jasper said as he walked toward Theo.

Mr. Lilit smirked as he thought that it was the last day for both Theo and her father.

'Now, we will see what you can do to save yourself,' Mr. Lilit thought and chuckled while looking down.

Huh! What can he even do? Laugh and come toward me just to complicate things, but in the end he will surely accept the lie and make it a truth since that was what he said instead of me becoming his companion.

As I said Jasper, I will use you more then you can ever use me because you are a beginner in front of me when its comes to tyranny and political games.

'So ,this brat is using me as a pawn. No one have ever had the guts to use me until now, they just looked at me from down and waited for my help, but he is using me openly as if challenging me. How amusing, that's why I choose you as my companion,' Jasper thought as he walked toward Theo and stopped.

Theo had a confident look which looked pretty interesting  to Jasper and he said, "Of course, he is like my little brother since the first time we met was when some assassins tried to kill him by overthrowing his car. At that time he hided behind me like a scaredy cat who didn't knew how to talk properly".

Theo felt pissed off by his mocking words but continued to smile since she needed to act along with him.

'Yeah, like a cat I will pounce over you and tear off that neck of yours!' Theo's thoughts.

'And when you pounce over me, I will grab your nap and use you as a cuddling pillow!' Jasper thoughts.

They both were smiling and at the same time throwing imaginary arrows at each other.

Mr. Lilit again kneeled down and begged loudly, "Your majesty, please forgive my impudence, I didn't knew that Prince Jasper was the one to taught Prince Theo, please forgive me".

The King leaned left side of the chair and said while smiling, "Do not ask for my forgiveness, Mr. Lilit! Ask for Prince Theo's instead".

Mr. Lilit gulped and looked at Theo while trembling, her vicious smile almost took his bit of courage away and he said, "Please forgive me your highness!".

"There is no need to ask for forgiveness," Theo replied.

Her words left everyone in confusion and they stared her while being baffled.

Suddenly everyone attention was grabbed by the guards who stopped Mike from entering.

"Its because apologies will not be enough for your crime, Mr. Lilit!" she said and looked back at the guard, "your majesty please allow my people to enter inside who have the solid evidence to prove my father innocence".

Mike entered but something was off which made Theo curious and she tried to look behind Mike.

Ric Lilit the adopted son of Kade Lilit who helped Theo out from his bungalow, was also there.

He was standing with an expressionless face and in his hand, there was a pen drive.

"I asked you to bring the CCTV footage of the Astarte guest house and the CCTV footage of the temple, but it seems you brought someone else," Theo said.

Mike didn't replied since the first thing he needed to do was to pay his respect to the King and he stood up.

"Temple CCTV footage? But that's only available to his majesty and the high priest!" an official said.

Theo smirked and replied, "That's true, but did you all forget, I am the son of the one and only Priestess who could read the prophecy send by the god! Of course the CCTV footage will be available to me".

Mr. Lilit gasped and looked at Ric who seemed to be his only hope at that time but it ruined, too.

"There is no need for anything your Secretary have brought, Prince Theo, because I brought along the CCTV camera that was placed in my father's room to show the truth to everyone. If your majesty gives me permission, I will like to show it to everyone," Ric said as he kneeled down beside his father.

Kade Lilit eyes become wider, he felt as if the world was crumbling apart and his heart was giving up.

At first he wanted me to kill his father then helped me out of the bungalow in hope that I will kill his father another time and now he have brought the most important evidence from his house.

Why would a person go that far as to become a traitor for his father who have adopted him?.

"You traitor!" Kade Lilit slapped him before he could show the evidence and snatched the pen drive from his hand.