Exchanging identity (Part - 2)

Hmm.. I can smell it but I don't know where this smell of glue is coming from! Its bothering me from earlier but does Jasper doesn't notice this smell at all?

The moment Theo stepped toward the frontline seat, she smelled it but doesn't understand its whereabouts but seeing an obvious hostile gaze of the senior student on the stage made it more suspicious.

While giving a welcome speech to his junior student, his eyes were mostly giving hostile stare to Jasper which was definitely weird and he looked nicely toward Theo which was definitely suspicious.

Of course, who would dare to stare at Jasper like he is doing right now? It most likely gives a feeling that he is challenging Japer or maybe he misunderstood Jasper for me!

Theo who was curious about the situation felt shocked as the senior asked Jasper to come to the stage.