To bring him back (Part - 3)

Suspicion was hovering over his face because he was confused about Theo who earlier saved him from his grandpa who is a Marshal.

After all how can a 17 years old boy who was mentally disabled for about more then 16 years quickly become so powerful. It doesn't made sense no matter how much Ric gave it a thought but one thing was sure that Theo was his benefactor and he would do anything for him regardless of the fact that suspicion still lies in his heart.

As Theo took off her mask and cloak, she shook her head to flutter the messy hair caused by the cloak and gave him a big smile.

She stepped out and let a big sigh out as she saw Jasper leaning on the car back, his hand folded and eyes continously staring her.

"Did Prince Preston helped you, too!" Ric asked as soon as he stepped out of the car with all his strength.

Theo's eyes cornered to glance at Ric and she nodded, her lips pursed tightly and eyes rolled as she saw Cairn stepping out, too.