Friend Gathering

Feeling tired from head to toe, Theo was now gasping from distress since she had another duty to fulfill. She can leave Ric and his mother to Jasper since he said that he will take the responsibility.

If there is danger against their life then it will only be Jasper himself, but since he was willing to take them in, Theo knew that there was nothing to fear rather it would be the Lilit's bad luck to search for them and unfortunately even if they did found Ric, they would not be able to live their life longer because founding Ric would be more like finding their own demise after setting foot inside the grim reaper's area.

"Since that's the case then I will leave earlier to get some rest. Please send the address where I have to reach, I will attend it on time," Theo politely said.

Selena shook her head with a smirk, "No need, I will come and get you, so be ready!".

Theo left without Jasper seeing that Gird have came to take him.