A challenge on Theo’s gender!

Her shiny and curious eyes blinked looking at Cairn and she pursed her lips like a puppy, "So, I will be having a seat".

She informed her or more like told her before doing a reckless stuff. Getting inside the car, she sat on the driver seat while Cairn let out a sigh and sat next to her.

Cairn gulped nervously while looking at Theo, who was looking around to take a brief look at the car system. She almost felt like looking at a child whose desire to learn how to drive a car have been fired up.

"I have learnt the function in the smart phone but never drove, how about I try right now," Theo had a big smile as she asked.

It made Cairn feel bad to reject her but letting a completely noob to drive for the first time and on the road where many cars passes by, it was a bad idea.