A man in claok (Part - 2)

Illegal business, murders, harassment of woman and both woman and child trafficking… Georginia country was full with all these corrupt practices, still no one dares to speak out loud against the corruption and those who did, didn't see the next day of their life.

The condition of the country was not that bad when it was ruled by the previous King. The King wished for his younger son to be the next ruler of the kingdom but before he could make his wish come true, the older son of his instigated against him and become the King after throwing out all his brothers and sisters out of the Palace.

Right now the current King was the one who killed his own father for the throne. Seeing the country situation, sooner or later someone would have went to the neighbor country to ask for help. But now Jasper saw the emergence of getting rid of both the King and his entire family but Theo had something else in her mind.