A letter

He swallowed nervously and remained calm, his eyes wondering everywhere wherever the knights went to search. Bed, washroom and everywhere they searched, the outcome was same and no matter how they searched they kept messing around and breaking the things in the mansion without having a guilt.

Even the only vase in the hall that had cracks in it, got completely destroyed by the one, who was leading the knight and looked arrogant.

"I believe that there is no problem even if this vase is broken," the leading knight said and turned around after seeing the thirteenth Prince miserable expression.

He didn't even cared to get a reply and kept on believing things as he wished.

I can't hold it any longer! Theo palm holding tight on her mouth to keep it shut and waiting impatiently for that lizard to go away.

Goosebumps all over her body and eyes staring it frantically.