An official visit (Part - 3)

With a smile, Theo looked back in her eyes and patted her shoulder, "I will and even if I don't still their time to be ruined is in front of them".

She had a very pretty smile on her face but suddenly she gasped and her lips twitched while eyebrows become knitted, "What are you doing here?".

Few steps away Jasper was standing, his hands were knitting Blacky cheeks while she was flailing in his hand. This time he was alone standing in front of them.

Theo glanced at Cairn hand where Blacky should have been but there was nothing. How can in the blink of eye Blacky went from here to there?

"I just saw your ugly cat walking away, so I grabbed it," he replied with a wide smile.

Theo frowned looking at him, "That's not the thing I was asking!".

She had her hostile gaze on him, brows curled down and fingers clutched. Without saying anything, he took a single step but stopped when Theo eyebrows raised in a questionable manner.