A suspicious person

"You weren't excepting me here, right?" Theo with a calm voice said, her hands curling a side lock of her hair. In the bed room of the thirteenth Prince, she sat on his bed, her right leg above her left and discerning eyes sharply looking at him.

There was not an ounce of hesitation or nervousness in his eyes as he stood five steps away from his own bed while looking at her. Brows were a little knitted and jaws clenched. Rather then nervousness and hesitation, he was looking at her while frowning.

"What are you doing here?".

Whether she should feel amused by hearing his foolish question or get annoyed, she was having a hard time in thinking about what reaction she should put, so in the end, she sighed and got up from the bed.

"It's a let down that you don't know why I am here but believe me, I am not so easy to deal with," Theo with a serious face approached him and stopped in front of him.