A disgusting touch (2)

"Fuck off, you moron! I said it. What can you even do to me? Cancel our engagement or kill me? I don't care but you should be the one to think about it," Theo said it with a naughty smirk. 

It was her deepest urge to irritate someone after enduring those fake sisters and mother in the Calabria family and now she took her anger out on this man.

"You see, I am just 16 years old while you are at your prime age toward… death. If you continue to be so arrogant, who knows whether I might sneak away before you turn 25 to let you die alone," Theo snickered and grinned evilly. "You understand me, right".

She knew she was digging her own grave by irritating a royal but this was the end of her endurance capability against them. And what could happen at worse?