For the crown Prince or me?

And I finally got here. Seriously, this was the first time someone could even feel my presence once I tried to sneak inside but well, that wasn't big of a bother!

Jasper chuckled as he shut the window after entering inside Theo's room which was on the second floor. 

Theo was lying on her bed and didn't make a single move and that made Jasper suspicious. If she was really the girl, he knew then she would have moved by now after feeling his presence but this girl was rather, too, silent.

This gave him anther idea. What if something has happened to her and that's why she is lying on her stomach like a dead? 

He swallowed while being worried about her and took a step forward when Theo turned around on the bed and placed her hand over her cheeks, "I thought you really were the second Prince but I guess I was wrong". 

She smirked lying on the bed in a sexy night gown whose thin coat was lose and falling from her left shoulder.