Wishing to go back

"What do you mean? I need to take off his dress and put him over the bed so that others won't find this situation weird. And I will also erase a part of his memory so that he doesn't remember what happened yesterday clearly," Theo hesitated at the last sentence when her eyes met his devilish one. 

He was glaring her as if a little more nonsense comes out from her delicious mouth and he will swallow her whole. 

She bucked her neck back while swallowing, "Why are you glaring me? all this trouble was caused by you, I am just trying to put things back the way it should be". 

Jasper scowled. His face was having a dark complex, "So, I messed it up, ha? If I weren't here, you would've had a sexy night with this ugly price and everything would've gone the way it should've, right? Theo, do you want me to tie you up and lock you in a room where you can see no one except me?" he grinned like a evil being. His words had no lie judging from his expression.