Secrets from her past life

"The emperor is dead! How… how can this happen," as if his throat was drying in fear, he trembled looking at the dead body lying in front of him. 

He was his majesty personal guard and was out to guard but the only person he saw going inside the emperor room was the crown prince whom he saw no obligation to stop. 

And this was the result. He was breathing deeply by being shocked at the scenario and the situation was really bad. The neighbouring kingdom was out to wage a war with them. 

With the enemy on the border and the emperor death, the royal guard was really confused. 

"Born with your past memories? So, be it, what has it anything to do with me?" Theo was struggling hard to get that chain off her hand and body but still with no hope. Her strength was not enough and her powers were not working and the only reason she can see is the bead in her pocket that was still lying there.