Chapter 9: Rumors (2)

•Scarlett's POV•

"What do you mean princess?"-Diana

She asks

"What I meant is that do you want me to help you get rid of the rumor and replace it to a pleasant rumor?"-Scarlett

I explained it to her patiently, Diana looks at me as I was crazy. She was bewildered to explanation; I look at Anne and I saw her surprise look.

'that's reasonable since I've never been the meddlesome person when it comes to personal life'

I thought to myself as I look back at Diana, I saw her opened her mouth, trying to say something but couldn't. I sat silently as I patiently wait for Diana to speak.

"Princess I am thankful but the way you look at someone doesn't change in a day, I'm sorry princess but it's worthless"-Diana

Finally, she spoke, her tone was low, sadness filled her voice but it didn't hinder her pleasant voice as she lowered her head and tightly gripped the bedsheets.

Anne and Julie could only look at Diana, as if they want to comfort her.

In this couple of days, Diana and Anne started to get along. Most of the maids started to speak and get along with Diana as they see her different from the rumors but there's still some of the maids who are new here still believe in the rumors.

All I can say is that, my grandmother really picks valuable and trustable people to work in here.

"I know, but you have to try and try because you don't get your success in one day, you have to be patience to get your success"-Scarlett

I expressed my thought as gentle as possible as I hold Diana's hand then slightly smile at her with a hint of sadness on my eyes.

Diana felt my warm hand, she looks at me with slight surprise then slowly look down again.

"Lady Diana, I think we should let Princess Scarlett help us"-Julie

Julie decided to say something to encourage Diana, the perks of being a maid of someone for so long is that you can guess what they're thinking.

"Then Princess, could you tell me what's your plan?"-Diana

She asked as she look into my eye seriously with calmness on her voice.


I pause to make a dramatic effect, the three looks at me seriously as they wait for my answer.

Anne eyes widen a bit as she knew what I was going to say, surely the perks of being a maid that take care of me all of my life.

'Yep, Anne really knew me'

"How about we ki---"-Scarlett

"How about we let Lady Diana participate on your upcoming project, PRINCESS"-Anne

She cut of my word as she shares a better plan while saying my name louder.

'Hey that was I was aiming for!'

I thought as I sent her a 'telepathic' message while glaring at her, basically reading my thoughts.

Anne let out a small smirk as she replies to me, 'I know what you're doing Princess, but you can't kill them, they're innocent" while having a calm face.

The whole room was quiet as me and Anne communicate with our thoughts. Julie look confuse as she stares me and Anne, whilst I glare at Anne and she only has a calm face with a slight smirk on her but unnoticed to the others beside me and Anne.

Diana was even more confuse as my answer was cut off by Anne and the sudden silence that was made.

After a while, I let out a sigh as Anne won on our conversation.

'I was actually going for there but I want to make a twist'

I thought to myself as my plan didn't go plan as I thought it would, causing me to slightly irritate but thinking that it was Anne I could only laugh at my heart, but if it was the others, I would surely laugh loudly with all my heart…

"Right, I have a project that father gave me and it will be helpful knowing this project would be known to the people and it would also raise your reputation Lady Diana."-Scarlett

I articulate myself succinctly, smiling at her with confidence in my eyes. As I forget the silence that was made earlier, trying to forget it.

Diana was quiet for a moment, just as she's about to speak.

"Do you perhaps doubt me, Lady Diana…?"-Scarlett

I spoke in a brittle voice before she could say anything, I lowered my head looking I was rejected and feeling forlorn.

Diana was stunned to see me; I could see her eyes began to turn into panic. She looks at Julie who was surprise to see me like this, she looks at Diana and nodded her head as indicating that Diana should comfort me.

"No, no Princess I don—"-Diana

Her words were interjected by my shriek as Anne came near me and grab my shoulder as she pressed it harder causing me to shriek and Diana to flinch.


Shrieking at the top of my laughs as I felt severe pain on my right shoulder, I abruptly look at my right to see Anne coldly staring at me as she pierces her gaze into my eyes, telling me to stop my jokes.

"What was that for?!"-Scarlett

I shouted at her while glaring at her. Anne looks at me then smiles at me, to the others it was just a sweet smile but to me it was a dangerous smile.

'I knew that Julie and Diana notice Anne smile was different as they only smile at us with bewildered expression, HAH! You got caught Anne!'

I thought to myself as I smile in my heart while celebrating silently but failed since the pain on my right shoulder doubled.

"Forgive me for the Princess behavior, it really is embarrassing for me to let you see Princess Scarlett behavior, Lady Diana"-Anne

She spoke as she put her hand on her cheek, looking troubled.


I thought to myself as I glare at her but only got a pain on my shoulder as a response.

"No, no it's okay"-Diana

She smiled as she waves her hand while getting use to this scene. Julie let out a giggle, covering her mouth.


I cough as to let anyone's attention to me.

"Just as Anne say, I have a project and this project is going to be held in the capital"-Scarlett

I continued, quickly change my expression into serious.

"This project will be checking if the orphanage is running smoothly and making sure that nobody violates the law such as slavery."-Scarlett

Informing them as slightly narrowed my gaze when I said the word slavery. As Diana and Julie heard my word, especially the word slavery, they slightly frown since it's a massive crime that could lead you to death in instant if you ever do slavery.

'Tsk, some people are that bold huh'

I thought to myself as I click my tongue while shaking my head mentally.

"Although the project I got from my father is minor compared to what I got from couple of years, it will still help your reputation to boost, Lady Diana"-Scarlett

I added after a pause. I look into Diana's eye for a bit, those eyes that was once was filled with sadness change from a slight hope on her eyes.

'I want to filled her eyes with only happiness'

I thought to myself uncertain and certain why I thought that. Uncertain because I'm uncertain about the where desire came from and certain because I want to fulfil that desire.

"Thank you, Princess"-Diana,

Diana thanks me sincerely as she lowers her head, Julie also do the same.

Feeling that the atmosphere started to become more serious, I quickly change my expression.

"You know what! How about we ate some snacks first! Aaahh~ talking so serious makes me hungry"-Scarlett

I said to them as I standup and bump my shoulder into Anne as I smile brightly at them, Anne could only sigh then smile as the others agree to me.

I took Diana's hand and leave the room with Anne and Julie on our backs talking to each other. I stop walking as I remembered something, I look back at them.

"Right! Lady Diana, prepare your things because we're leaving tomorrow!!"-Scarlett

I look at her as I grinned.

Diana looks at me in dazed, like she didn't understand my word but her eyes widen as she understand it.

"Eeeh?! Isn't that too early Princess?"-Diana

She asks as she walk beside me, looking dumbfounded as I hold her hand.

I laugh at her when I saw her reaction, cute.

"Well, I plan on doing this by myself a week ago and this project has been with me for a week and a half. That's why it might be sudden for you"-Scarlett

I explained to her as I scratch my cheek, looking helpless as I smile wryly.

Diana stare at me for a second then she lowered her head as if thinking of something, I raise my eyebrow, confuse to her action but turned my head as the front and focus walking since it wasn't my business.


We sat down on the round table at the deck of the mansion, leisurely ate the snacks that was brought by the maids as we enjoy the fresh air coming from the forest not far from the mansion.


I let out a moan as I put the chocolate cake on my mouth, closing my eyes in delight as the sweetness of the cake filled my tongue.

Diana ate the strawberry cake like a high noble.

'Well, she IS a noble'

I thought to myself as I cut of the introduction

While Julie only drank tea and ate the cookies and Anne drinking coffee leisurely with a smile on her face as we enjoy a nice afternoon.

Of course, I didn't forget about the staff in the mansion, thus I gave them permission to leave in the mansion but only this afternoon and they are free to eat whatever the chef wanted to make for them to eat.

'I really am a lovable princess'

I 'humbly' think that to myself with a slight smug on my face as my eyes are still close, enjoying the sweetness of the cake.

'To think that Julie once politely rejects my offer of sitting on the same table, thinking that she shouldn't since I'm a Princess but guess what, I don't care about statuses!'

I thought to myself as I slightly peek at Julie who was in front of me, grinning on the last sentence as I feel proud.

After the I finish eating the cake on my mouth, I leisurely drink the juice with a smile on my face as the four of us quietly ate our snacks.

But happiness could still turn into despair…isn't it?

"Princess I remembered that you went back to your office, did you take the letter from his majesty?"-Anne

Anne spoke, wondering about the letter from my father causing to break the peaceful silence and Diana and Julie to look at me.

As I heard her questioned, I felt that as if she's hinting me about something. I move my arm as to reach my pocket to grab the letter but suddenly I felt presence on the forest at my back.

Knowing what it is, I look at my back to check if there are far from our position. Thankfully they are and I could ignore them for a while since Diana and Julie are here.

"What's wrong Princess Scarlett?"-Diana

Diana asks as she slightly tilted her head, looking slightly confuse but didn't show much on her face.

"It's nothing"-Scarlett

I answered as I look back at her then smiled, continuing to what I was doing.

I grab the letter and place it on the table, the 3 look at the high quality of the paper that was made to become a letter with a royal seal on it.

Before I could speak, I felt the presence again but this time it was closer to our position. My eyes dimmed; I stand up from my seat then walk at Julie's back where her back was facing the wall.

Everyone was confused to my action but Anne immediately understood my action as she also stands up from her seat then walk towards me. Diana looks at us with a slight change on her expression.

'It's that thing again, I really have to make them extinct'

I thought to myself as I hide the coldness on my eyes

Diana heard rustling on her side, she looks towards it and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Princess Scarlett I didn't know you have bunnies; may I pet them?"-Diana

She asks me politely as she look at a fluffle with affection on her eyes.

I could only nod at her, then slightly move closer to Anne. Diana started to pet the 'thing' while smiling brightly, Julie also walks towards the 'thing' and also started to pet.

The two was happily play to the bunnies as Anne continue to stay with me, she looks at me with worries on her eyes.

"Don't worry Princess I will tell them immediately"-Anne

She assured me; she walks away after speaking with a slight hurry on her footstep.

'Is there a whole in the mansion's walls that the thing always come back?!'

I saw Diana pick up the bunny, in that moment, I felt a bad promotion is going to happen. I step back for a bit as Diana stand up and face me with a smile on her face.

"Princess, look isn't this cute?"-Diana

She asks with a smile on her face as she step closer to me while I distance myself from that thing.

As I keep stepping back, I hit a wall on my back. The corner of my mouth twitch as I saw that thing's ears move and getting closer to me.

'I want to kill that thing right now but Lady Diana and Julie is here'

I thought to myself as I tried to calm down my heart, as my hand turn into a fist, itching for it to kill.

However, before I could answer Diana's question. The thing's face is near me, I look it into its eyes and subconsciously let out a killing intent.

The thing felt my killing intent as it tried to broke free from Diana's hands by squirming around. Diana froze for a second then felt the bunny squirming on her hand.

'This is a great time'

I thought to myself as I free myself from the scene, running towards the door of the mansion and to my room while leaving the two stunned.

•Anne POV•

'I hope the Princess wouldn't do something in front of Lady Diana, hopefully the Princess would be okay'

I prayed in my head as I hope that nothing would happen as hurriedly walk back to Princess Scarlett.


As soon as I come back, I look for Princess Scarlett. I saw Lady Diana and Julie was standing to each other with slight distress in their face.

"What happened Julie? Where's Princess Scarlett?"-Anne

I ask Julie who was speaking to Lady Diana, I only ask her a question after they notice me and they stop talking.

"Princess Scarlett ran back to the mansion, we didn't know what happened but when Lady Diana approach Princess Scarlett with a bunny on her hand, she let out a killing intent then ran away"-Julie explained to me what happened while I was away, I'm thankful that Princess Scarlett didn't kill the bunny in front of their eyes.

I look at Lady Diana who was holding a bunny on her hand with slight distress on her face.

"Please forgive me for the Princess action, Lady Diana, the Princess has something important to do and has to run and leave you two for a while"-Anne

I apologized as I bow my head to Lady Diana while explaining.

"No, no it's fine Anne, it was probably my fault that the Princess run away."-Diana

She said as she waves her hand and sigh as she said the last sentence.

"Why did she run away?"-Diana

She added as she asks in concern while petting the bunny on her hand.

"Its better for Princess Scarlett to tell you Lady Diana, I hope you will understand "-Anne

I said to Lady Diana as I sigh in my heart, feeling anxious as I have to find Princess Scarlett immediately.

"May Lady Diana excuse me for a while as I look for Princess Scarlett"-Anne

I excuse myself as not to be rude while bowing my head to Lady Diana.

"Ah, yes, sure"-Diana

She replied as she blinks her eyes.

As soon as I heard her word, I left the deck and proceed to walk to Princess Scarlett's room. Knocking on her door however nobody answers, I knock again but then again nobody answers.

Seeing that nobody answers, I let myself in. I saw the Princess reading a book on her bed yet her eyes were in daze, as if she's not reading but thinking deeply.

My heart ache when I saw her like this, clenching my uniform as I stand there for seconds. I walk towards her and sat down on her bed; I slowly place my hand to Scarlett's shoulder to call her.

"Scarlett, is there something wrong?"-Anne

I called her with softly spoken voice as I gently rub her shoulder. This time I called her first name instead of calling her 'Princess Scarlett'

Scarlett seems to have snap back to her thoughts as soon as she heard my voice, she looks at me for a while in dazed as if she didn't know why I'm here or why she's here. I felt my eyebrows lowered and pulled together while my eyes turned slightly red as I try to hold back my tears, my heart ache as I saw her expression, distress as to felt that I can't do something for her.

It didn't take long to Scarlett to snap; she looks into my eye then smiled as she saw the melancholy on my face. She gently touches my eyebrow as if to let it relax.

"It's okay"-Scarlett

She whispered gently as she smiles on me.

Her words made me broke my heart but didn't let it show as hold my tears.

'I should be the one saying that to you, Scarlett'

I thought to myself as I felt more sadness come to me, no matter how much I've seen this, I still couldn't get used to it as I saw Scarlett in pain.

I stand up from her bed and walk towards the door to tell the other maids to get some biscuits and a glass of milk for the Princess.

After a while, a knock on the door was heard. Walking towards it, I opened it then take the tray that was carried by a maid, I smiled at her while thanking her.

"Here, Princess Scarlett"-Anne

I gave her the glass of milk as I place the tray on the nightstand.

Princess Scarlett drinks the milk then place it to the tray while taking the cookies. Princess Scarlett talks to me about her sword that she acquired 2 years ago, I smiled at her as I listen while giving her responses to her questions.

We sat in her bed while we talk. Dinner came by and we stop talking as Princess Scarlett went to the dining room, there she saw Lady Diana and Julie behind her. The Princess apologized to Lady Diana to her action earlier, after that the two ate in peacefully with Princess Scarlett happily chattering with Lady Diana.

The two of them finished eating their dinner and Lady Diana bid a good bye to Princess as she does the same too. Princess went back to her room and began to read her book; it didn't take a while for Princess Scarlett to fall asleep.

"Goodnight Scarlett"-Anne

I whispered as I gently kiss Scarlett's forehead, tucking her blanket.