Chapter 19: Bath

"Did you get this Princess?"-Diana

Diana asks when she saw me placing a stack of the document on my table, she knew that I don't have this document yesterday.

"No, it seems that kid from the orphanage gave it to me"-Scarlett

I answer Diana's question with a confused smile on my face, staring at the document before giving a ten-page document to Diana.

"This…this is more detailed than what we got, I can't believe that they would murder some little children"-Diana

After reading the document that I gave her for a couple of minutes, Diana let out a shocking comment, staring at the document.

Her last sentence made me wonder something, I decided to ask her a question that pop up in my mind.

"Lady Diana, do you hate murderers?"-Scarlett

I suddenly ask Diana with a smile on my face, waiting for her answer.


Diana went silent for a moment, looking for an answer to my question with a frown on her face as if she was having a hard time deciding.

"I…will you hate me if I said what I think, Princess Scarlett?"-Diana

Diana hesitantly spoke, she asks me a question that I predicted with her eyebrows lowered, looking at me with insecurities while clenching her skirt.

"No, I wouldn't, even if the world hates you, Lady Diana, I wouldn't hate you"-Scarlett

I answer Diana's question from the bottom of my heart, sweetly smiling at her.

"I see…Thank you, Princess"-Diana

Diana let out a huge sigh of relief, she let out a relieved smile as she releases her grip on her skirt.

"So? What's your answer?"-Scarlett

I ask her, carefully looking at her face to see every expression.

"I would say, yes and no"-Diana

Diana responds to my question with a vague answer, looking at me with a confused look on her face.

"Hm, if I guess correctly, you don't mind some murders but you absolutely hate murderers who murder innocent people?"-Scarlett

I put my hand on my chin as I think, guessing Diana's vague answer. I tilt my head to the side small smile hidden on my fingers, looking at Diana.

"Yeah…am I weird Princess?"-Diana

Diana confirmed my guess in a low voice and ask me a question without confidence, different Diana from the eyes of the public.

"Of course not, Lady Diana"-Scarlett

I smile at her as I give my answer wholeheartedly, reassuring Diana.

"I als—"-Scarlett

I was once again interrupted before I can finish my sentence. I caught the stone that was thrown on the window, directly aiming towards me.



Diana shrieked and slightly duck down while covering her head. The sound of the crash echoed the whole room, surely it can be heard from the whole floor.

The window shattered on my back, and some of the shattered glass hit my head, causing some small scratches and blood on my head.

I immediately covered Diana with my body, making sure that no shattered glass touches her. Although our distance is big, I can still protect her even if I cover Diana in the distance.

Without looking, I caught the stone in my left hand. The aim of the stone is directly aimed towards the back of my head.

"Haa…Are you okay Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I let out a sigh before placing the stone on my desk, I look at Diana who's in a defense pose, and worriedly ask.

The event was too fast that Diana didn't have time to fully protect herself and didn't see me catching the stone, only saw a flash figure of my hand going to the back of my head in a flash.

"Yes, Princess but are you okay?"-Diana

Diana responds to my question with relief on her face, she looks at my face and asks with a worried look.

"Yep, I'm okay"-Scarlett

I let out a big smile to reassure Diana, patting my hair on the back of my head, and removing the shard that stuck on my hair.

"Where did that stone come from?"-Diana

Diana asks, she walks toward me to have a look at the stone. She picks up the stone and rotates it, observing every corner of the stone.

"There's a crack on the stone"-Diana

Diana notice a small crack when she rotates it, she couldn't help but blurted it out with a small shock on her face.

"Ah, I must've put light pressure when catching that stone"-Scarlett

I respond with an innocent smile on my face, scratching my head.

I grab the stone after Diana put it back on my table, after juggling it with one hand for a second, I place the stone on my palm and squeeze it without a problem.

The stone turned into small pebbles with some ashes on my hand, I took out my hand out of the broken window without caring if my hand would be gazed at by the glass.

I let go of the stones in my hand, letting them fall on the 3rd floor. I then take my hand out of the broken window and look at Diana with a smile.

Diana's current expression was a shocked look on her face, she didn't expect me to crush the stone easily. She also didn't expect me to put my hand on the broken window, wanting to stop me but due to my quick movement, she didn't have the time to stop me.

"Princess! Don't do that anymore! What if you got hurt!" -Diana

Diana immediately reacts when she saw me smiling at her, she walked toward me and grab my hand as she inspects if there was any glaze caused by the glass on my hand.


Some knights, Julie and Anne strongly open the door, and the knights immediately walk toward me as well as the two.

"Are you okay, Your Highness?"-Knight

One of the knights asks about my condition in a worried tone, kneeling on the ground while the others inspect the room.

"I'm okay, you guys can go back now"-Scarlett

I let out a smile to the knights as I wave my hand to them, reassuring them.

"But Your Highness—"-Knight

Before the Knight could finish his sentence, I stop him with my hand as I look into his eyes.

"It's okay now, are you new here?"-Scarlett

I spoke again, still saying in a gentle voice, and ask if he was new here. I look into his eyes; I could see his forehead getting covered with sweat.

"Yes, I'm new here, Your Highness"-Knight

The knight answered truthfully with a slight nervousness in his voice, staring directly at me without being rude.

"Okay then, you guys go back"-Scarlett

I smile at them and wave my hand again, looking at the other knight. The knight saw my gaze and nodded, they immediately left within a second.

"What happened Princess?"-Anne

Anne went toward me and held my hand carefully to have a look if there were any bruises or gaze

"The kid from the orphanage throw the stone into my office, the stone has a paper on it"-Scarlett

I explained to them with a smile, showing my hand with folded paper on my palm. I then move the paper to the middle of my middle and index finger, closing my fingers together for the paper not to fall.

I gave the paper to Diana, stretching my arm to let Diana take the paper. After taking the paper in my hand, Diana opens the paper to read.

"The operation moves their location? Do they know that we're moving? No, they can't be, they're being cautious since we visited them yesterday"-Diana

When Diana read the letters in the paper, she ponders for a moment before speculating their movements.

"You're right! Lady Diana, that's why, after taking the documents, we'll be going there"-Scarlett

Agreeing with Diana's speculation, I let out a smile as I clap my hands and narrowed my eyes in delight.

I saw Diana giving the paper to Anne then after reading, Anne gave the paper to Julie.

"You don't mind eating breakfast here, Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I glace at the food trays that Anne and Julie brought and ask Lady Diana with a smile on my face.

"I don't mind Princess"-Diana

Diana responds to me, lightly shaking her head with a shallow smile on her face.


After eating our breakfast along with Anne and Julie, we started sorting out the documents while I write letters from the commander of the knights.

After all of that, we took a quick break before going back to our room.

"Anne, did you already prepare my uniform?"-Scarlett

Closing my door, I ask Anne who's walking behind me. Unbuttoning my clothes, walking toward my bed.

"Yes, Princess"-Anne

Anne nodded. Picking up the clothes that I throw on the floor, fold them properly before placing them on the chair.

I took my precious sword out of my waist and other weapons were hidden on my body, I always have Veronica (sword) on my waist no matter what I wear or where I am.

'I always felt at ease when I have my babies (swords and weapons) on my body' I thought to myself, carefully placing Veronica at the side, leaning on the wall.

After taking off everything including the hidden sharp pins in my hair, I went toward the bathroom to take a bath.


I let out a big sigh, placing both of my arms at the sides of the bathtub. Only my head didn't submerge in the water, staring at the ceiling with thoughts on my mind.



I let another sigh, placing my hand on my face, covering my right eye but could still see the ceiling on the slits of my fingers.

Combing my hand through my hair before putting my arm back on the side of the bathtub, submerging my head in the water.

Holding my breath for 5 minutes before slowly getting my head out of the water, I slowly open my eyes without panting.

'10 minutes is the usual but since I have something to do, 5 minutes would be enough I thought in disappointment, standing up in the bathtub. Waters drip down from my body and hair, combing the hair that draped on my face with both of my hands.

I got out of the tub, standing on the soft rug. I grab the bath towel to dry the water all over my body, leaving my hair wet before walking out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.

"Is the carriage ready?"-Scarlett

I ask Anne as soon as I left the bathroom, looking at Anne who was tending to the plant that places in the window.

"Yes, Princess"-Anne

Anne nodded as she replies, still watering each plant.

"What did Julie say? Is Diana ready?" -Scarlett

I ask, sitting on the chair. I took a clean towel that Anne handed to me, wiping my wet hair to dry.

"Julie just informed me that Lady Diana isn't ready yet"-Anne

Anne pass on the information that Julie gave to her. She grabs the towel that I use to dry my hair and walks behind me to do it herself.

I close my eyes in satisfaction, resting while waiting for Anne to finish. I felt Anne stop drying my hair and put back the slightly wet towel on the basket along with my dirty clothes, I only open my eyes when Anne left the room.


I let out a yawn, covering my mouth with teary eyes. I calmly stood up from the chair and walk toward my bed.

I look at the uniform with my hand on my chin, tilting my head to the side as I stare at the uniform.

'I knew it, the other knight uniform is better although what I have right now is only for students in the academy' I thought, frowning slightly before grabbing the inner clothes of my uniform.

'Although I want to graduate early but I can't' I thought to myself as I look at you, fixed my gaze towards you before shaking my head and buttoning my inner clothes.

Patting my cloth, I grab the outer clothes and wore them. But stop my action and lift the mattress off my bed, showing my hidden weapons that are put all over my body.

It took me quite some time to finish dressing, after looking at myself in the mirror and nodding in agreement, I grab Veronica and left my room.

"What are you doing here Lady Diana?"-Scarlett

I turn my head to the side and saw Diana standing at the side of my door, wearing a white long sleeve on the inside and a navy-blue vest on the outside with a necktie attach, and for her bottom, she was wearing a navy-blue high waisted skirt that reaches from her knees.

"I was waiting for you to finish, Princess"-Diana

She responded to my question without getting shy, smiling at me as she looks at me with her emerald eyes.

"I see, are you ready?"-Scarlett

I smile at her before asking Diana a question, tilting my head to the side as we walk down the hallway.

"Yes, Princess, I'm ready"-Diana

Diana nodded with a determined look on her face, she stares at me with a look of seriousness.

"That's great"-Scarlett

I gave her a beaming smile that would give her confidence in what will happen later.

Diana noticed that I stop walking, she slightly looks around in confusion before looking at the door.

"Are you going to bring your babies Princess?"-Diana

Diana asks as she looks at me in confusion but quickly understood my action.

I found it funny how she changes the word sword into babies, it's entirely my fault since I keep pestering her to change it.

"Yeah, Although I don't come here very often this mansion is full of my pride and joyful babies!"-Scarlett

I nodded at Diana's question, folding my arms to my chest while holding up my chest with a proud look on my face, an enthusiastic smile appeared on my face.

"You should also bring one Lady Diana! You'll never know what's going to happen"-Scarlett

I suggest Diana with excitement, letting out a brilliant smile while my eyes sparkle, thinking of my babies and Diana getting along.

Author's little scene:

Scarlett: do you want to take a bath together?

Diana:(blushing)!! No! no! i-I can't Princess!

Scarlett: too bad you didn't see the scene (´・ω・`) (Feeling disappointed)

Diana: !!?? (blushing)