Business Contract Agreement

Aksa sat at his oversized table as President Director with a blank stare. His mind was stuck, because until now he had not been able to find the answer to Agung's mind-breaker.

However, to be more precise maybe he hasn't had the chance to find an answer yet. Because now his mind is disturbed by a strange problem.

The day after returning from Bang Gor's house, Aksa had to go to Singapore with Arabella to meet Mr Zayyed there. He also brought Daniel, because he didn't want to be alone with Arabella.

Luckily Daniel is an obedient secretary and also doesn't protest much according to all requests and duties even outside of work at the company.

Flashback on...

Aksa and Arabella were invited to have dinner at a restaurant that was deliberately private by Mr. Zayyed for the meeting. The atmosphere at the dinner was stiff, both Aksa and Mr Zayyed, although they often met Aksa, they always couldn't do much when dealing directly with the 5th richest person in the world. His mind was on the verge of anxiety and fear that at any moment Mr Zayyed would ask him to marry his daughter Arabella.

"Aksa, I received a report that Hotel Mahesa has improved now, congratulations!" said Mr. Zayyed as a prelude to their conversation.

"Thank you Mr, all thanks to the people who have worked so hard for Hotel Mahesa."

"I am sure, in the next few years your Hotel will be more advanced and bigger than this year." Mr Zayyed gave Aksa an optimistic aura at that time.


"But Aksa... isn't it time you should marry Arabella?" asked Mr Zayyed.

Predictably, Mr Zayyed would certainly bring up the matter.

"Daddy, Aksa is a busy person, let alone a wedding, just for a romantic dinner with me he always doesn't have time. Even though I'm his fiancé." Arabella sulked and complained to Mr Zayyed.

"It's good to have a fight with your father, Arabella." Aksa snorted angrily in his heart.

"You still remember about the agreement, right, Aksa?" asked Mr Zayyed reminiscing.

"Of course, I remember. But Mr . . . wasn't the agreement only to marry Arabella, was it?"

"Yes of course, what is it?"

"I don't need to love her. do I?"

Mr. Zayyed was taken aback by Aksa's words.

"If that's all she wants, I'll marry your daughter today, but could Arabella possibly agree to that?" said Aksa while looking at Arabella who was angry because of what he just said.

"So, your mean that you are just playing with my daughter. Do you dare to bear the consequences for what you did?"

"Did I say something wrong, you only asked me to marry your daughter. But you didn't ask me to love your daughter in the agreement, did you?"

"Yeah that's right, what do you think Bella, do you agree to marry this man without love?" asked Mr Zayyed.

Arabella didn't answer. It's just that her expression seemed to hold anger and irritation.

"I'll marry you today if you want, but I promise I won't touch you as a wife." Aksa said quietly in Indonesian so that Mr Zayyed could not understand what Aksa said.

"Well it doesn't matter, if you touch me you have to promise for the rest of your life, you will only be my husband, how about it?" Arabella said answering Aksa's challenge.

Now it was Aksa's turn to be a little surprised to hear Arabella's words.

"I'm giving you three months to prepare for your wedding to Bella. If that doesn't happen, I will withdraw my investment from Hotel Mahesa."

Arabella smiled but not with Aksa. He just glared at Mr Zayyed as if he wanted to stab Mr Zayyed with those eyes.

*** ***

Flashback end...

"Daniel, can you come into my room!" Aksa calls Daniel over the intercom.

"Of course, Sir."

Not long after, Daniel entered Aksa's office.

"Can I help you, Sir?" asked Daniel politely.

"Do you know where Arabella is?"

"She is having a meeting with the people from the Ministry of Tourism, Sir."

"Oh, so our hotel will be held for the Ministry of Tourism event?" asked Aksa.

"That's right, And Ms. Arabella with several representatives of the Ministry of Tourism are discussing it in the meeting hall now."

"Daniel, do you think Arabella's presence is important in this company?" asked Aksa asking for an opinion.

"Because she is a smart and experienced person, I think she is very important."

"Ahhh... it's a pity." Aksa looks annoyed.

"Why sir?"

"I wanted to get out her of this Hotel, I get dizzy if I keep seeing her in this Hotel."

"But she's your fiancee --"

"Stop Daniel. I will never marry her."

"Then if you don't want to, have you thought about how to return Mr Zayyed's investment money?"

"Well that's what I'm thinking now, do you have a solution?" asked Aksa.

"Find other investors who can help." Daniel gave an opinion.

"Do you know any investors who can help on terms that don't make me marry someone."

"For that, I don't know sir, because Mr. Zayyed is indeed the person who has the most money and I don't know who besides Mr. Zayyed can provide the investment."

"I'm really confused, if we return the investment, can we return the funds that the company has now?"

"Of course not, sir, because all of Mr Zayyed's investment money has already been made in several branch hotels in Indonesia."

"Then if we hand over the hotels to Mr Zayyed is that possible?"

"You mean, you want to return Mr Zayyed's investment in the form of the hotel, right?"

"Yeah, what do you think?"

"Mr Zayyed's total investment with the selling value of hotels is not worth it, sir, it's still not much."

"Damn, that means the value of that investment is the same as the price of my life."

"Sir, may I give you an opinion?" said Daniel.


"As far as I know, investment is a form of giving capital with a profit-sharing system between the two parties. And even if the investment has to be taken again because the investment requirements are not met, at least Mr Zayyed has received the same profit from the rotation of the investment fund. I think you are just being tricked by. So far, Mahesa Hotel has been running well and has a lot of benefits, of course Mr Zayyed has got his share right. Mr Zayyed should not be a problem if you don't marry Arabella, because the investment money is going well. married Arabella. Because it seems Mr Zayyed is also just bluffing for almost five years his investment money hasn't gone bad."

"You're right, what do you think?"

"You just have to take a firm stance. Do you want to marry Arabella. Or you ready to borrow money to repay Mr Zayyed's investment capital?"

"If I return the investment, Grandma will kill me." Aksa gets dizzy.

"If the investment is returned in full, and you don't have to marry Arabella. You have to find the hotel capital again if you don't want Hotel Mahesa to go bankrupt."

"Are we negotiating with Mr Zayyed again?"

"Maybe ..." Daniel's speech was cut off when the intercom call came in. The receptionist in front of Aksa's room called.

"Mr. Aksa, there is someone who wants to meet with you."

Aksa then pressed the phone button .


"He said he is your Brother. Mr. Bayu Demian."

"Why is that person here?" Aksa muttered.