One Night Stand With You

Aksa let Hana sleep in his arms with still not wearing anything. Even though he was really tired, he didn't want to sleep either. He was afraid that this was a dream. Aksa still can't believe that Hana is now in his arms.

Hana seemed to be rubbing her nose directly against Aksa's flat chest. Aksa smiled seeing Hana do that again. That was Hana's habit when she slept with him.

Aksa then caressed Hana's cheek affectionately. Hoping that the one in his arms right now is Hana.

Aksa kissed Hana's lips again. His heart was happier than anything else. Being together and being together like this with Hana again was something he had often dreamed of and fantasized about all this time.

"I don't want to lose you again," Aksa whispered softly in Hana's ear.

Feeling amused something tickled her ear. Hana's body squirmed cutely in Aksa's arms and blinked his eyes.

Hana saw Aksa was looking at her without blinking.

"You don't sleep?" asked Hana in a low voice. Her voice was exhausted because Aksa was too exposed an hour ago.

"I'm afraid that if I wake up later, you'll disappear," said Aksa holding Hana's hand.

Hana just smiled in response. Then she brought her body closer and hugged Aksa's body.

"I'm tired and crushed." Hana turned her back to Aksa. Aksa then hugged Hana's body from behind affectionately.

"Honey, I've invite Shanum," whispered Aksa.

"How did you know Shanum?" asked Hana in surprise.

"I often go to Bang Gor's house, I met Merry and Shanum there."

"Really?" Hana asked enthusiastically then turned her body back to face Aksa.

"Yeah, she's really cute, her behavior is similar to yours," Aksa said.

"Yeah, I often video call her."

"Do you know what she said to me?"

"What was that"

"Oh, Aksa must be lonely, not sleeping with Aunt Hana."

"Pffffhhh ... she said that?" asked Hana in disbelief.

"I swear I'm not lying."

"Then what do you say?"

"Not answering, just asking, where did Shanum say that from, who taught you?" said Aksa.

"Then what did she say?" asked Hana further.

"She answered that she heard from her father, she said she heard her father on the phone and her mother said that."

"Oops, Shanum is indeed a smart person when she imitates."

"Honey, let's make a nephew for Bang Gor!" ask Aksa to start on again.

"No, I still have a film contract."

"Whaaaaa...." Aksa shouted disappointed.

"I'm scared like our late baby used to be," Hana answered sadly.

Aksa then hugs Hana while apologizing for the incident that caused them to lose their baby.

"Yes, let's sleep again, tomorrow I want to take you to meet with Gea."

"What, Gea, really...."

"She's in Berlin, honey."

"O-yeah, I haven't asked you yet, you're going to Berlin to meet your mommy huh?"


"Have you forgiven her?" asked Hana.

"Yes, I have forgiven her."

"Thanks, I'm glad to hear that." Hana smiled in relief.

"You seem to have been with my mom all along. And she didn't tell me you were going to LA."

"Maybe now is the right time for you to know. I forbade your mom to tell you."

"Yeah, what's important now is that you won't leave me again, right?" asked Aksa.


"How come it depends?" asked Aksa.

"If you're still in a relationship with Arabella, I don't want to be your wife anymore."

"I'm just a fiancé with her, and soon I will break my engagement with her."

"Really? I'm not sure you can." Hana then turned around and turned her back to Aksa.

"I promise you honey." Aksa said while kissing the top of Hana's head. And slowly caressed Hana's body again. Asking for rations for the umpteenth time tonight.

"Let's just sleep, okay, we'll continue again tomorrow morning. I'm tired." Hana rejects Aksa.

"Yes dear, sorry, go to sleep!" Aksa said while hugging Hana from behind.

*** ***

Irene looked at Daniel's face that looked exhausted beside her body. Shame and regret flashed across her face. How cheap it was for her to end up in bed with a man she didn't really know. All because of the effect of the drug. She couldn't think straight as she handed over her hymen to Daniel.

"He's so handsome, but you're still a stranger," Irene thought.

"I was crazy because of that face of yours until I handed over my holy blood to you."

Irene then released Daniel's hand which was still attached to her chest slowly. Then she got up and picked up her clothes that were scattered on the floor. Put it back on while looking at Daniel who was innocent without thread on his bed.

"You're the first to pick up, but baby this is a one night stand. The beautiful one night stand!" Irene exclaimed then kissed Daniel's forehead gently as a farewell. Irene's gaze was filled with a fog of deep regret.

Without making any noise, Irene then left Daniel and left his room.

4.00 O'clock ...

Irene opened the door to her room and immediately entered. She went straight to the bathroom and splashed her whole body with warm water.

Irene then cried while sitting with warm water splashing in the shower. She wept bitterly.

"I'm sorry Shane, I've given my chastity to a stranger. What should I do now, should it be yours?" Sobs Irene regret.

Irene feels sorry for Shane. The person she loved so much. But Shane was gone. Irene regrets that Shane wasn't the first to touch her. She regrets why during Shane's life they didn't do it. Yet they love each other.

But now what happened, Irene did it just because of passion, not love. That's what makes Irene regret it. Something precious, so easily she let go just because of the feelings and passion for a moment due to the damn drug from the woman named Arabella.

Irene remembers Aksa, she can't stand the drug. How about a man like Aksa. A man who has had sex before can endure it? Is he looking for a woman just like herself? Irene remembered Hana. Irene hastily finished her bath. Wearing a towel and immediately looking for her cellphone to call Hana.