Meet Mr William

A few days later, they were still busy with work at the Hotel. Both Aksa and Daniel are trying really hard to make Hotel Mahesa the best hotel this year. Even though behind all their hard work, there is always a thread of longing that they can't stand.

"Daniel, can I have time to meet Mr. William in Singapore?" Aksa asked Daniel who was busy at his desk making some presentation materials for the meeting later.

"Wait a minute sir!" Daniel then checked Aksa's schedule on his tablet.

"Tomorrow after ten o'clock you can go there," replied Daniel after checking Aksa's schedule.

"Okay, order the tickets. But you can come with me right?" asked Aksa doubtfully with Daniel's other busyness.

"Looks like you can't, sir, this time you have to go there alone without me!" Daniel answered but his focus was still on his keyboard and computer monitor. Aksa saw something odd on Daniel's monitor screen.