Unfair to You

Daniel then said that he knew about Shane because he found out about Irene's background according to what Aksa ordered him about a few months ago.

Irene then seemed to understand why Daniel knew about Shane.

"Thank God you already know about Shane," said Irene coldly.

Daniel looked at Irene's face which looked calm after telling him all that. His heart was a little sore hearing Irene's words like that.

"So. I'm saying this on purpose so you don't get your hopes up ...."

"It doesn't matter, Beb." Daniel didn't want to hear anything else. So Daniel didn't want to pay attention to that.

"Niel, are you okay marrying me. But maybe I'll make you...."

"I told you I'm fine. Don't try to bring this up again, okay?" said Daniel trying to smile. Even though his heart is sad but he also doesn't want to look weak in front of Irene.

Irene looked at Daniel's face in disbelief.