Bang Agung's Come

Daniel looked at Irene's face which was getting cloudy again. Daniel knew that this situation would make Irene worse. So Daniel tried to pretend not to be confused by her condition.

"I will trust you with all my heart. But can you also not confuse me!" said Daniel while wiping Irene's tears.

"I'm telling you the truth. I don't really remember Niel. Can you understand my condition like this?" Irene asked.

Daniel looked deeply into Irene's face. Irene's eyes were so frightened.

"I want to know in detail from your doctor," said Daniel.

"Okay, you can meet him or contact him. But can you keep it a secret from my parents? I don't want them to know about my situation," said Irene.

The doorbell rang, and Daniel started to look panicked because it might be Bang Agung with the police officers who would arrest Irene.

"Daniel, how is it?" Irene asked, trembling. "I don't want to be caught," Irene said with panic.