Hana Can See Aksa's Face

Aksa came with a panicked face and approached Ji Pyeong and Kim So Ra who was waiting in the waiting room.

"Where's my wife?"  Aksa asked, looking worried.

"She was brought to the radiology room a few minutes ago!"

"Why did she pass out?" asked Aksa asking why Hana could faint.

"She fell when he was about to go to the kitchen. Looks like she's about to get a drink, sir."

Aksa took a deep breath. Then immediately walked to the radiology room. His face was filled with regret. Because he was too busy to lose track of time. He ignored Hana's condition.

Jung Woo who happened to be standing not far from there. He had just treated an incoming patient. He glanced at Aksa.

"Oh that's her husband. From the looks of it he's a CEO."

'Tall and handsome too.'

'Wait a minute!' Jung Woo thought to remember something.