Hongdae Street

That day, Hana and Ahra were spending time at home. Meanwhile, Aksa is working at the hotel.

Ahra and Hana are studying Korean. Before asking to leave the house to do the challenge yesterday that was discussed.

Hana called Aksa first to ask for permission and told her that she was going to Hongdae to take a walk and practice Korean with Korean people in person.

"Okay, be careful dear. Don't go far from Ahra, okay? You'll get lost!" said Aksa.

"Yeah. Don't forget to eat, okay?" Hana said, reminding Aksa not to forget her schedule or meal times.

"Yes honey, you be careful huh!"

Hana then hung up the phone.

"Come on, let's go!" said Hana.

"Where's Han Seo Jun?" Hana asked, looking for the driver.

"He's already waiting in the car," Ahra said.

"Oh, well, let's go!"