Another Clue

Daniel drove his car back to the hotel where everyone was staying. Mrs.Rika, Bayu, Ahra and Hana. Their hotel is adjacent to the Police Station where Aksa is being held.

Daniel's cell phone rang, Daniel immediately put it on the dashboard and plugged in his earphones to pick up phone calls. Irene called him.

"Hello Babe!" said Daniel, greeting his wife Irene gently and affectionately.

"Where are you?" asked Irene in a high voice.

"On the road with Bang Gor," Daniel answered, still in a soft voice.

"How's Hana?"

"She's at the hotel with Ahra and her mother-in-law."

"I want to meet Hana."

"You can't get on a plane just yet!"

"Who said, I'm at Jeju airport now."


Daniel was surprised to hear that Irene was already at Jeju airport.

"B-baby, how come you're there. Why didn't you tell me you wanted to come here?" asked Daniel.

"I want to meet Hana. And I also miss you," said Irene.