Mr Zayyed

Aksa received information from the prison guard that he had a visitor who wanted to see him. Aksa thought it was his family who as usual visited him.

And Aksa's assumption turned out to be wrong, because as soon as he entered the meeting room. It turned out to be Mr. Zayyed who came.

Aksa is shocked that Mr. Zayyed is visiting him in the holding cell. As soon as Aksa sat in front of him, Aksa looked at Mr. Zayyed's face which looked very angry. Luckily, they sat opposite each other, bounded by shatter-proof and bullet-proof glass. So Mr. Zayyed won't be able to hurt Aksa.

"How do you feel after killing my daughter?" asked Mr. Zayyed.

"What do you mean?" asked Aksa.

"Are you satisfied that your revenge has been avenged?" asked Mr. Zayyed.

"I didn't kill her, whether you believe it or not. I never killed her," answered Aksa calmly.