Sincerely Accepting Step

"Hana, let's eat first!" Ahra handed Hana a spoonful of porridge. How many days has Hana not wanted to eat? She was only in her room. Ahra, who was able to return home from the hospital, returned to serve Hana.

Bang Gor who came with Merry and Shanum only looked at his sister with a sad look. He also did not think that Aksa actually experienced such an incident.

"Hana, eat first!" persuaded Bang Gor.

"Yes Hana, you have to eat. You're pregnant!" added Merry.

Hana didn't answer. Her blank stare made it clear that she didn't feel like he had the will to continue living.

"Hana, let's eat, later don't let you get sick!" cried Ahra.

"I want to meet my husband!" Hana mumbled.

"Hana, don't be like that, you have to love your body first. Aksa will be angry if you don't take care of your health!" persuaded Bang Gor.

"Bang, my husband is still alive right?" asked Hana, looking at Bang Gor's face.