
"Why are you confused?" Bayu asked Aksa.

Aksa looked at Bayu's eyes sharply. He felt that Bayu and him did not get along from the first. Bayu's tone of voice and attitude towards him does not reflect that of an older brother. But like an enemy.

"Not so," answered Aksa then walked to the side of Hana. He left Bayu with a surprised look at him.

Hana looked at Aksa with a worried feeling. She was afraid that if they came back again they would not get along. Even though they just felt close again as brothers.

Meanwhile Aksa was watching Ahra beside Bayu who was equally confused by Aksa's attitude.

Aksa then looked at Hana's face after seeing Ahra's face. He then smiled in satisfaction. Making them all confused and curious about Aksa's attitude.

*** ***

On the plane, Hana and Aksa sat side by side. Not much was said between the two of them. Hana even avoids Aksa by plugging in her earphones and prefers to listen to music.