Sending Signal

All other hostages in the workshop were looking towards the direction of David and that man. They were wondering who that man with the backpack was. And when that man bowed to David, they were uninterested because they thought that David was another oppressor under the control of the berserkers. What they all failed to notice though was that their fellow hostage was smiling… after a long time.

Seeing the stares from soul-less eyes of other hostages, David was a little embarrassed when the man in front of him bowed to him as if he was some God. "You don't need to bow to me! It is our duty to be there for each other." David patted that man on the shoulder and smiled, "After all, we are one big family."

"Yes sir" the man smiled back at David, who he thought was no less than a God. He was risking his life for their sake and he believed that he deserved that much respect.