Asking a Favor

Vorian flung his eyes open when the series of loud explosions instigated by Alexis echoed loudly throughout the sky. The sound was so loud that it managed to penetrate through the Astrostial walls of the bunker.

It took some time for his sensory organs to readjust. His blurry vision cleared after he blinked several times. He noticed that he was surrounded by several numbers of equipment. 

It took him some time to recall the tragedy that had happened to him. He remembered feeling great pain in his chest and stomach. He slowly raised his hand and felt his stomach and chest. There were some wires attached to him on the chest. 

He then turned his head to look to the sides. He was looking for Alexis. But she was nowhere around him. 

He felt dizzy as a result of moving his head around. He held his head with one of his palms and thought, "How long have I been asleep for? Am I healed now? I guess I should ask the doctor."