The Aftermath

Alexis was really happy to get reunited with the old team. All of them instantly began to share their side of the story about the war. 

Eldred and Siliah went to another room with the Colonel to discuss the aftermath of the war.

Outside, the military crafts, as well as the Vivetelian crafts, had landed on the empty grounds and spaces. Even though the military was already exhausted after the continuous fighting for days, they were still helping their wounded friends in getting immediate treatments. 

The medical personnel of the military was slowly arriving in their crafts to help out their wounded as soldiers. 

They were also gathering the bodies of their fallen soldiers. 

Amelia had already ordered the members of the IGT Fed to prepare medical camps outside in the open area. The headquarter had already sent reinforcements to help out Celine in every way they could. They had sent the medical personnel as well as some soldiers to volunteer.