George Santos

I'm George Santos, the high and mighty fiancé of Lucas Mendez.

As you would know my surname tells me all. We own the big construction company, THE SANTOS DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION. As the next in line heir, my Mendez is my big achievement. Even though we are arranged marriages, I made my way to have him, seduce, manipulate and even threaten people who harm or block my way just to have him. I do extreme threats, it is my second nature.


I am very ambitious. Everything that I have today is all thanks to my hard work so, all I have to do is wait a year then I can finally get my hands on our company. Hopefully, my father passes it to me. I've been a good son, obey him, and loyal dog to him. We have an uncanny father-son relationship. He thinks of me as collateral if things won't go his way. He will sell me for money. I already know this fact but I love my father, I will do everything to please him. My mother died when I was 9 from chronic kidney disease. Since then, I do everything to gain my father's recognition, he remarried after a year, he is more affectionate to my half-siblings, which sadden me but they are still so young and I am the oldest and it is custom that the oldest son child will inherit the company. Even though I am 26 right now, I haven't yet got any position in the company. Well, I am still contented with what I am today because I will make my father proud by having a future husband as successful as him.

I am in the hallway of Lucas's apartment waiting for him to come down. Oh, here comes my adorable and lovable fiancé coming towards me. The 6 ft. tall young man, wearing a tuxedo and physique exudes manly allure. He is very successful in the field of electronic business. The secret of his success is ME, of course. With every success of my Lucas, I am behind all of that. Am I great? right.

As he coming my way, he looks so perfect and the suits his wearing fits well in his good build muscle. So every time I see him, I have no regrets that all my efforts are paying off.

"How's your day my love?" he asked as he pecks a kiss on my lips.

"Great! So far everything is so perfect and all you have to do is present your self and they will love you." I answered him as I put my hands around his neck and kiss him torridly.

Tonight, Is the big night of Lucas, he will be receiving a big award for the youngest achiever in business nowadays. As his fiancé, I make sure that everything is perfect, as perfect as my future husband. I'm wearing a white tuxedo as pure as a snow and as an angel face that perfectly matches my Lucas. Lucas drives for two-hour to get us to the place of the event.

ELITE HOTEL, the hotel name.

As we arriving at the hotel, the place is so lavish, it has impressive audiovisual, stunning stage designs and lighting displays, a perfect night to create the best atmosphere for showing us a couple. As we take our seats, many powerful people approach us to greet us, as a fiancé, I have to keep my good act. As the awards night went by, finally my lovable Lucas turns to receive his awards.


He went to the stage with a full smile as he says, "Thank you, I'm honored to receive this award, I would like to thank the people who help me. You know who you are..." he has a grin on his face.

As he continues to speak, " I would like to thank the love of my life... My Fiancé... " pointing at me, I just genuinely smile at him. "I dedicate these awards to him, he is my loved of my life and I'm blessed to have him." sending me a blown kiss. I just giggle at his childish act. " once again... Thank you and had a pleasant night."

After the awarding's, many people approach my Lucas so I was expecting he will meet new clients and investor. I know it will take a while .... Then he approaches and whispers to my ears.

"I'm sorry my love, they inviting"

" I know...It's okay, you can go. I can go home on my own. I'll just take a taxi." I responded.

This thing always happens, I will always leave behind just because they looked down on me, the same as my father mocks at me. Just you wait asshole businessmen, I will show off how the real business work and you will beg on my feet to work with me. HAHAHAHA... Laughing evil in my mind as I leaving the place.

Before going home, I decided to went to the bar of the hotel for a little drink. Ordering one glass of Margarita. As I take a sip... I feel weird. Then the next day, I was in the room naked with a man beside me that I don't recognize. WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

*Thank you for reading, I do appreciate it if you leave a comment and vote. Love you all***