I'll think about it

Andrei POV

George was sleeping so soundly on my bed. I can't take my eyes off him, he must be having a beautiful dream and he keeps on smiling.

Today is an amazing day for me, I am certain that I will confess to George when he wakes up. I have still doubted that he likes me but I have to take my chances. We have done so many things that lovers do so I have to clear our relationship. I am determined that I'll make George my boyfriend today.

While he is still peacefully sleeping, I went to the hotel kitchen and make his favorite breakfast for him. The kitchen staff stares at me while I am plating my waffles top with strawberry, banana, and drizzle a bit of honey. Every hotel staff I encounter teases me while I carry our breakfast, the news spread instantly in all the hotel employees that George visited me in my room and spent the night. All of them knew how I am head over heels of George. Some congratulate me as if we are a real couple already. Well, who wouldn't guess, I was like a ray of sunshine everywhere I go. I can't help it, I keep on smiling. I'm in love. I am crazy in the love of George.

George POV

I woke up...tapping...tapping...tapping the vacant side of the bed.

The first thing I know, Andrei is missing in the bed. I groan in irritation leaving me alone after the night we've spent together. Urgh!

Then I notice that I am wearing Andrei pajamas. It smells so him which makes me relax. Then I hear the door opened. He was carrying breakfast, joyfully. I have easily shifted my mood, from being grumpy to delighted.

"Good morning." He cheerful said "...you must be hungry..." he places the tray beside me. This is my first time to experience having breakfast in bed. I chuckle for excitement. Well, Lucas is not the type to have breakfast, he always orders coffee so usually, I'll just have an egg and a toast. But ever since I have been with Andrei, I was not able to skip meals. He cooks me frequently and nags me if I didn't finish my meals. He monitors me a lot. We are like a family, a true family. It's warm my heart.

I keep looking at him and he was shinning. I assume that he must love the sex last night because he pampers me so much in exchange for the rough sex we did.

"Say AH..." I munch it. It was delicious but his reaction is more appetizing than the waffle itself. He is so adorable and sexy, he keeps on feeding me. Yikes, I'm drooling over him, I'm having a weird thought again and I'm turned on. I've been more sexually active than now I am pregnant and I can't help it. 'Roarrrrr'

Then he looked me into my eye and speaks, "George, I like you!" He sincerely said. "I know." I response while I was continuing eating. His face is burning up. "I knew that you have a complicated situation right now, but I like you!" I just nod at him while enjoying my breakfast. Knowing him, he must be fully confident today, " Uhm... C-can you be my boyfriend?"

"HUH?!" I was surprised and annoyed again. I never thought he doesn't think of me as a boyfriend after so many things we've done. How could he! I retorted with a sour face, "All this time, I am the only one thinking that we are in a relationship. What do you think of me, some sort of whore, who will go whoever I want? THAT'S IT! I'm going home!!" I said as I got off on the bed and walked thru my clothes. I was irritated with him. I want to slap, kick and punch him however, It worries me if he will get hurt and I can't bear it more.

I can sense he was panicking. I glare once more at him. Gosh, why he is still good-looking though he's panicking.

"I-I am sorry! I didn't know that you are thinking that already... I'm such a fool!" He smacks his head with his fist. I pity him for hurting himself. He continued says, "Actually, This is my first time that I pursue someone... in my past relationship, I never been a pursuer. That's why I am inexperienced with this sort of thing... I'm really happy you already thought of me as a boyfriend..." He holds my arm. "Please! Please forgive me this once." He kneels and begs. He was in tears and seeing him like this upset me more. " Uhm... okay... I'll forgive you." I bow down and kiss him on his lips. He kisses me back and it is so passionate and all my annoyance disappears.

Finally, we are officially dating.

After a few weeks, Andrei becomes more cheesy and a little bit annoying but cute. He takes care of me and our baby 24/7. He was always there when I throw tantrums at him, he just patiently wait until I calm down. I love him even more. I want this to last.

I haven't confessed to him about him being a father to our child. Where still in our honeymoon stage as a couple and I was a bit scared that maybe he will get mad at me. I need some time and preparation.

We are so happy for these past few months of being together. I am in my 7 months. I was now curious why Andrei never asks about me. I knew he was eager to ask but scared of how will I react. Due to Andrei's influence, I've become calm and have long patience.

"A" that's what I called him and he likes it.

We are seating on the couch while he was massaging my feet. He widens his eyes in response. "About myself...you haven't asked anything about me." He sweetly smiled at me, "Well... I g-google you." He was shy and I have o shape in my mouth. "Not everything that been said is true." He just keeps on massaging my feet. "A, you can ask me anything and everything." He widely smiled at me and then, he put my feet on the floor and he comes closer, he hugs me tight and kisses my cheek. 

"Uhm... okay, what do you want for dinner?" I smack him hard, "seriously? That's the only you want to know?! Argh!" I pull myself out of his hug. One thing that I hate about him, he is so well reserved, he always thinks and pleases others other than himself. "What did I do wrong doll? I just did what you said." "Idiot!" He hugs me and rubs my back. "Relax...it's not good for the baby." He calms me. I knew it is not good for the baby to always be mad and I'm trying to control my anger. "Okay...I am sorry darling...I will give some time to think about it."

'Seriously, this guy needs time just to ask a question. That's ridiculous. I can ask a thousand questions by seating here. But knowing him for quite some time, he always evaluates his action and words.'

"Okay." I scowl.