
Andrei POV

I came back from the cafe and saw George alone at the table, I scan the place and no trace of Marco. Is it possible that maybe they argue? I hope not.

"Doll, where's Marco?" I asked, 

"He went home, he said that he has important things to do." he responded



"so, where are we going now?" I asked and he was thinking so hard then I suggest, 

"wanna go to the aquarium?"

"Yeah, I love it." He said in excitement. I sent a text message to Marco.

"Cookie, call me when you are not busy."

We went to the aquarium, we are so happy spending our time there. Even though George's belly is big, he still enjoys walking and observing all kinds of fish. I was happy if he is happy. I know any hour or days, he will give birth but he needs some breather from time to time. We went home, I drove him and from afar, I saw a familiar guy, I clench the steering wheel that made me so angry.

George POV

I flinched in surprise. I saw Lucas standing outside my apartment building. I look on my side and saw A being so mad. He was trembling and the first time I saw him getting mad. He stops the car and he went out and open the side of my door. I step out, I saw Lucas and Andrei glaring at each other. How come he knows where I am. The mood is cranky. I have to separate the two of them. I face Andrei as if he was growling at him, I touch his face, calming him, he stares at me and he changes instantly his jolly mood.

 " I shall talk to him and I'll meet you in the hotel, I have something to tell you there, wait for me."I kissed his lips for assuring him that everything will be okay.

Lucas POV

I've been here for almost an hour and yet I haven't seen George. Maybe I was a scam, then I saw a car from afar going near me and stop at my doorstep. The guy from the car staring angrily at me, I feel intimidating so I glared at him too. He went to the other side of the door and I saw George step out from the car with his big belly.

My love? He faces the guy and murmur then kissed him on the lips. I was so shocked, then I glare at them angrily. The guy drove the car and be gone.

"Let's talk," George said, he went to my car and seat. I follow him and seat in the driver's seat. I have mixed emotions, I am mad, hurt, and angry. I want to grab him and hurt him too. I am so angry. I cannot control it anymore and I exploded.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I THOUGHT YOU WILL BE GONE JUST TO GAVE BIRTH, HOW COME YOU CHEATED ON ME!" I slam my fist in the steer. He flinches and touches his belly as if protecting it from me.

"I'm So Sorry Lucas..." he sobs. I calm myself after seeing him crying so hard, I know George is a tough person, he seldom cry then I feel pity for him,

 " I'm sorry too... I shouldn't shout at you, I know it's my fault because I left you bearing our child alone..." 

"Lucas..." He touches my fist hand then he said again, 

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." then continue sobbing again. He keeps saying sorry over and over again. I keep calming him, it is not good for him to cry a lot. I wait a little longer before he calms down.

"Lucas, this is not your child." I was a gasp in shock. I look at him flustered. He explains, "after the awards night, I went to the bar of the hotel and unluckily, I was drug there and then I met Andrei and I had a one night stand with him..." when I heard the guy name I feel furiously mad again. 

" and the guy that drugs me is the rumored guy that you've been dating," I look at him in shock. No way Victoria is involved in drugging him. I've stupefied all the information I've been hearing today. This is so painful, my chest is hurt so much and my head feels like I was smashing in my head countless times.

 ARGH! I couldn't process everything. He put his cold hand to mine, I flinch. He must suffer a lot too. I look at his awful face, his eyes redden and his face is so pale. I touched his face wiping his tears. I can still make him mine. I can still make up for him. I can still be the father to his child. I can still the lover he wanted me to be. I CAN AND I WILL.


"COME BACK TO ME. I did everything for this couple of months, I settle all the problems and manage real fast the project in Korea. I've been doing great, George. I did everything so that I can have you back again." I cried while caressing his face. I put my face so close to him.

"I'm so lost when I lose you, My LOVE. I always thinking about you all the time." I kiss his forehead. He pushes me. I somehow feel he hated my kiss. His change.

"I'm sorry Lucas but I don't love you as I loved you before, but I still care about you, as a friend and a brother. We always have each other when our parents don't love us. So, I do appreciate it if you still thought of me as a friend or a brother that cares for me all the time. I'm so sorry Lucas, can I still be your friend or a brother?" He said it while holding my hand so tight. His hand is not so cold as before.

" A friend or a brother, I don't want it. I already have siblings don't care about, a friend? I have lots of friends. I want you to be my lover, the mother of my future children, and the one only my love." I said while hugging him tightly. If I loose my hug, I feel I will lose him forever. I can feel the want to push me, but he was just scared. I heard him cry, I cried. We cried a lot. I think all my energy had been drained. I already calm myself and I have to stop George from crying. It is not so good for his child and his health. I caress his back to calm him. And at that moment I feel that we can never be back how we used to be. After two hours of talking and crying in the car. I invited him for a meal.

"What else you wanted to eat?" I asked after seeing him stuffing his mouth of muffins." 

"I want a Leche flan." He response sweetly, "Uhm...okay." Seeing him like this, I can tell that he change. George will not act cutely, won't eat tons of sweets, and most won't wait for a long line just to have a Leche flan. We are in a street and tons of people are on the line just to buy the famous Leche flan. I suggest to him that we will just insert in the line and I could just double or triple the price so that he won't wait just to purchase. He strongly disagrees and tells me,

 " YOU CAN'T DO THAT, don't waste your money, you earn it so hard, and I will not die for lining up. And best of all, we can spend more time together." so, we end up lining up and the vendor said seeing George belly, "oh boy... you're pregnant, you don't need to line up. all pregnant here is our top priority." George smiled, " Uhm, that's okay, 30 minutes is not too long. I need also to loose... I eat lots of muffins before coming here." His smile is so bright and I knew he changes a lot, a better George version, who is more patience and understanding.We are getting there for being okay but I need to tell him, He has to know that his father knew his pregnant.

"your father has been looking for you, I made tons of excuses but at that moment when I finally got the courage to take responsibility for you, I told him your having my child and he wants to talk to you immediately." 

I saw him terrified and he replied, "OKAY."