Trying to unlock the Sharingan

After a few day's of training i managed to increase my Chakra to atleast peak Jonin, And my Chakra Control is good enough to Learn some Iryo Ninjutsu, Today i'll unlocked my Sharingan, It's best to unlock it now in order for it to reach three tomoe faster, After awhile he sat in a weird position, His knees are on his bed and his upper body was standing with his hands put together like he was praying or something.

Naruto:"So just send Chakra to my eye's, Eh seem's simple enough"

I send some of my Chakra into my eye's and i could feel it burning a little bit, After awhile i wasn't going nowhere to unlocking it

Naruto:"Damn i guess it's much harder to unlock your Sharingan without encountering some sad emotions or some shit, I guess i'll keep trying"

Andrew tried again but this time he send some chakra to the nerve's of his eye's and after a while he feel's his eye's starting to act up.

Naruto:"Agh!, Shit why does it hurt?, i guess when unlocking the Sharingan it alway's come's with some pain even without witnessing some trauma to unlock it"

After some minute's when the pain in his eye's subdued he walked up to a mirror and looked into his Blue Sharingan eye's with a Single tomoe around each eye.

Naruto:"Look's much more badass with my eye's, Now try keep it on so that it will be easier to use and since i have a lot of Chakra this is going to be easy"

And after that he started doing his training while

keeping his Sharingan active at all cost, This continued for one Month, And a lot has happened to Andrew in that one Month period.

Naruto:"It's been about a month now, And now my Chakra is at an Elite Jonin and my Chakra control is about as good as Shippuden Sakura, And i can activate my Sharingan at will now but it still a one tomoe, Need to upgrade it fast, And i refined my Sensory abilities to the point i can sense around 500 meter's and because if not for it the ANBU that was watching me would've report it to the Hokage that i was training by myself, can't let that old monkey know what am doing atleast not yet, I think i'll continue doing this training regimen for now until i enter the academy, And try to refine my sensory abilities, i know i should get some jutsu's now but i plan on it when i enter the academy."

And so Andrew trained and trained like a madman until it was time to join the Academy Ninja, He is very excited to meet the Konoha 12 and one particularly shy girl with lavender hair with the most smoothest skin ever created and beautiful eye's to go with it, Of course it's the one and only Hinata Hyuga.

[Alright Another short chapter sorry, this is going to be a fast paced novel ok i am sorry and i am lazy i'll upload a chapter any time i want okay, And this is a NarutoxHinata, Harem too complicated and i don't like to read or write a Harem, I don't know why but it isss what it isssss,]
