The bell test 2

[There's gonna be 18+ stuff here but only a little, you have been warned]

As Naruto was sitting on the wooden stump he heard Kurama talk in his mind

Kurama: "You're a pretty strong brat, I thought that you were some nobody which you still are," Said Kurama as he acknowledged having a strong host with him

Naruto: "Don't underestimate me Kyuubi" I said as he scoffs at me and we continued to talk.

While I was resting Kakashi went to check up on Sakura and Sasuke

Kakashi: "I didn't expect Naruto to be so strong already, He only needs some experience to help him, Now to deal with those two" Kakashi said as he spotted Sakura and went to her first.

Sakura: "Where's sensei?" Sakura said as he didn't see Kakashi anywhere on the training ground only Naruto was there

Kakashi: "I'm here," Kakashi said as he put Sakura in a genjutsu

Sakura: "What?" Sakura said as he looked around thinking he heard Kakashi's voice but she didn't notice that she was in a genjutsu

Sakura: "I thought I heard sensei" muttered Sakura as she heard some rustling in one of the bushes close to her

Sakura: "W-who's there?" Sakura said as he heard Sasuke's voice as he showed himself

Sasuke: "S-sakura help m-me," Sasuke said as he was covered in weapons and was bruised and bleeding heavily

Sakura: "S-Sasuke-Kun?...AHHHHH!" Shouted Sakura as her voice was heard by the three of them

'So Kakashi made his move' Naruto thought as he continued to rest at the stump 'Eh, Top kunoichi of the class, I have expected for her to notice the genjutsu and break it but I was wrong' thought Kakashi as he watched Sakura in his genjutsu

Sasuke: "Was that Sakura's voice?" Sasuke said as he was about to move to her place but he spotted Kakashi on a tree most likely watching Sakura 'There now is my chance' Sasuke thought as he throws shurikens at him thinking his guard was down.

When the shurikens hit Kakashi it turned out to be a log 'What? he tricked me now he knows where I am' Sasuke thought as he moved to a different place 'So there he is' Kakashi thought as he made his move on Sasuke

Meanwhile with Naruto and Kurama.


Naruto: "Hey Kyuubi I heard that if you are a jinchuriki of a tailed beast you can get their Chakra," Said Naruto as Kurama wondered where he found all of this information 'He's not lying at all, Where and when did he know about this' thought Kurama as he asked Naruto

Kurama: "Where have you heard that brat?" Said Kurama seriously as he waited for Naruto to respond

Naruto: "Well I read it in a book in the library," Said Naruto as he technically read about it in a Naruto manga in his previous life or from novels and fanfictions he read before.

Kurama: "How the hell those people know about it? No one got my chakra before, Even my previous two jailors haven't gotten a single drop of my Chakra, and even if they did they will have a hard time to control and maintain it"

Naruto: "I don't know either, Sooo it is true then?"

Kurama: "We'll yes if they wanted to...Hey, Are you saying you want me to give you my chakra!?" Said Kurama as Naruto shyly responds

Naruto: "W-well um yes, If you'd accept, I don't want to force you," Naruto said 'He's very nice for something that ruined his childhood, Maybe when the time is right I'll let him train with my chakra' Kurama thought

Kurama: "We'll when the time is right brat I let you know when we're going to start training," Kurama said as I happily thanked him

Back with Sasuke


When Sasuke found another spot to hide, Kakashi suddenly appeared behind him as Sasuke retreated and was now in the middle of the training guard as Kakashi arrived in front of him

Sasuke: "I'm different from those two" Sasuke said

Kakashi: "We'll if you are so confident then try to take the bells from me," Kakashi said as Sasuke rushed him

Sasuke tried to kick Kakashi using his left leg in the head as he blocked it with his forearm holding his leg in place, Sasuke tries to retaliate by sending a right punch on Kakashi's head as he also grabs his fist as Kakashi throws him away giving him and Sasuke some separation.

Sasuke: "Fire Release: Fireball," Sasuke said as he launched it towards Kakashi 'No way, Another fresh graduated genin who can use already pretty high jutsu though not as good as Naruto's but better than an average genin' thought Kakashi as he disappeared

When the fireball disappeared Kakashi was no we're to be seen 'Where is he? Left?, Right?, Up?' Sasuke thought as Kakashi was still nowhere to be seen as Sasuke quickly realized 'He's underground!' thought Sasuke as he tried to jump away from where he was but it was too late as Kakashi got his leg and pulled him down on the ground as his head was the only thing you can see as his body was buried underground

Kakashi: "We'll not so confident now are we," Said Kakashi as Sasuke glared at him

While they were finished Sakura woke up from the genjutsu that Kakashi put her in

Sakura: "S-Sasuke-Kun? huh?" Sakura muttered as Sasuke was nowhere to be seen as Sakura got up and went to find Sasuke

Sakura: "Sasuke-Kun where are you," Sakura said as he was running out of the forest as he saw Sasuke's head on the floor, At least that was what she thought

Sakura: "Sasuke-Kun? , Where's your body a-and your head AHH! SOMEONE TOOK SASUKE-KUNS BODY!" Said Sakura as Sasuke and Kakashi watch her and just sighed

After a while, all three of us are now sitting together next to the tree stump

Kakashi: "All of you failed the test, Though Naruto got the meaning of it he didn't bother to ask you two for your help, Can you explain why Naruto?" Said Kakashi

Naruto: "Well first of all, If I asked Sakura to help me she would immediately decline, Ain't that right Sakura?" I said as I looked towards Sakura as she was also looking at me about to protest but no words came out of her mouth as she blushed of embarrassment because she knows that would have happened

Naruto: "Next is Sasuke, It's like the same as Sakura, His attitude is his downfall, He thinks he can defeat a Jonin alone when we just graduated a few days ago," I said as Sasuke glared at and followed by a "hn" as looked the other way.

Kakashi: "I can see that happening, The meaning of this test is about Teamwork, Working together to get the bells, Have you seen a genin ever that can defeat a jonin?" Said Kakashi 'Though Naruto was able to fight with me pretty evenly' thought Kakashi

Sakura: "But sensei there were only two bells," Sakura said.

Kakashi: "Exactly, There are two bells to trick you, Because if there was only two then the person who doesn't receive a bell has to go back to the academy and it will make them less cooperative with each other and get the bells by themselves," Kakashi said

Kakashi: "Even if you do have the bells, Then the other has to go" Said Kakashi as Naruto smirked

Naruto: "What do you mean sensei? I have the bells right here" Naruto said as he pulled two bells from his pocket

Kakashi: "Then what about" After Kakashi said that the bells hanging from his waist turned out to be two pebbles 'What? I could've sworn I didn't see him take the bells' Kakashi thought as he looked at Naruto

Kakashi: "Then what are you going to do with the bells Naruto?" Kakashi said as Naruto throw each bell to Sakura and Sasuke who was confused at his actions

Naruto: "I'd rather go back to the academy, there is still next time and I would like to help them pass," I said as I was about to leave the training ground as I smirked as Kakashi said

Kakashi: "Hold up Naruto, You are not going anywhere because you all pass the test!" Kakashi exclaimed as Naruto smiled whereas Sakura and Sasuke were still confused

Kakashi: "Well starting from tomorrow we will have our first mission as a team, Though we need to improve the teamwork a little bit, But let's meet up here tomorrow at 5:am," Kakashi said as he uses Body flicker to leave

I was about to do the same but Sasuke came to me and said

Sasuke: "How did you become so powerful?!, Did someone teach you?!" Sasuke demanded telling me how I got strong

Sakura: "Yeah how did you get so strong?" Sakura said as well.

Naruto: "Well I just train, Training is always gonna help you get stronger," I said to them as I Body flickered away as poor Sakura was rejected by Sasuke again as they went to their separate homes.


Meanwhile, Kakashi was making his way to the Hokage tower to report his team passed the bell test 'Naruto is stronger than Sasuke or any other fresh graduated genins combined can't beat Naruto, Sasuke is above average than other genins, Sakura has the brains but lacks physics and his fangirl behavior is also affecting her in many ways' thought Kakashi as he made it to the Hokage tower as he entered he was greeted by the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi

Third: "Ahh, Kakashi you are here, Now everyone is here let's start with Kakashi because he's late," Hiruzen said

Kakashi: "Team 7 passes," Kakashi said as everyone in the room present were shocked

Third: "Oh really? tell me their capabilities" Hiruzen asked as Kakashi said

Kakashi: "Well first of all with Sakura, Overall she is weak, She was the top kunoichi in her class, and she wasn't able to break free from a genjutsu, I'm guessing her only good traits are having good chakra control because she has little to no chakra, Well that's probably because she is a civilian girl, As for Sasuke he is above-average genin for his age, Can cast already a high fire jutsu, The Fire Release: Fireball but his attitude is one of his downfalls when I tested him, He is overconfident in short, And the last one is Naruto, He is the only one that was able to see what was the meaning of the test I gave them, He can keep up with me in Taijutsu, Has a good arsenal if jutsu's, Very perceptive as well because if not for Naruto they would have never passed the test," Kakashi said as Asuma, Kurenai, the Third Hokage and the others present in the room were shocked

Third: "O-oh, Well I never knew that Naruto was that strong" Third said still shocked at Naruto

Kakashi: "What do you mean by that Hokage-sama?" Kakashi said

Third: "The ANBU that I assigned to watch Naruto said that he only meditates when he is doing nothing," Hiruzen said 'Minato, Kushina, You'll be so proud of Naruto' thought the third Hokage as he continued with the others After a while team 7, 8 and 10 were the ones who passed as everyone was dismissed by Hiruzen as he looked out on his window viewing Konoha while he was piping.

Somewhere in a Hyuga household.


Hinata: "Oh, Naruto-kun" Hinata murmured as she looked at my picture that she had caught when I wasn't looking 'I never thought this would happen'.


Naruto *sneezes*: "Ugh, I think somebody was moaning my name for some reason, weird," Naruto thought as he made his way back to his apartment after a long day doing the bell test with Kakashi and his two teammates