Zabuza returns

[A week later]

It's been about a week since we arrived at the Land of Waves and it was pretty peaceful, I have been training a lot than I could've imagined but it was just taijutsu with a bunch of clones like a BUNCH of clones, And sometimes either me, Sasuke, Sakura or Kakashi will accompany Tazuna to the bridge, But after about 3 days of accompanying Tazuna, A mist suddenly appeared as it got bigger and bigger every day, Today team 7 will be accompanying Tazuna today for precautions

Sakura: "Huh? Where's Naruto?" Sakura said

Kakashi: "I think he's still asleep," Kakashi said

Sasuke: "That dobe overworked himself last night," Sasuke said as both of them looked at him

Kakashi: "What did Naruto do last night Sasuke?" Said Kakashi as Sakura also what to know

Sasuke: "He over-trained"

Tazuna: "That brat," Tazuna said

Kakashi: "I guess will leave him here, For now, He'll catch up to us soon," He said as both of them nodded as they waved goodbye at Tsunami and they went to the bridge.


As they arrived at the bridge they saw corpses laying on the bridge as the mist was forming

Sakura: "W-what happened here?" Sakura said as she was scared at the scene in front of her

Tazuna: "W-who did this" Tazuna said as he saw the dead bodies of his friends

Zabuza: "We meet again Kakashi," Zabuza said in the mist as Kakashi held his kunai in front of him

Kakashi: "I knew you were still alive," Kakashi said as Zabuza showed himself out of the mist as he chuckled

Zabuza: "Very perceptive as always Kakashi of the Sharingan, And where's that blonde brat?"

Kakashi: "Naruto? He'll come here soon enough, For now, it's you and me"

Zabuza: "I think it's fair that I have someone here also, Come out Haku," He said as Haku came out from the mist

Sakura: "I-it was you," Sakura said as he remembered her

Zabuza: "Now it's still not even, I'll make it," He said as he created two water clones as they rushed Sasuke as Sakura was with Tazuna

Kakashi: "Sasuke, Watch out!" He said as Sasuke dodge a sword strike at the WC as he plunged a kunai into its chest as it turned into water as he dodged a fist in his right side as he kicked the other WC in the head as it turned into water

Zabuza: "Hmm, Nice brats you got Kakashi, He has the speed like Haku here, I think we found your fight," Zabuza said to Haku as she nodded as Sasuke went into the other part of the bridge as Haku followed as Kakashi and Zabuza were again facing each other


Meanwhile in Tazuna's house

Naruto: "Huh? Where's everybody" I said as I just woke up and no one was here

Kurama: "They already left brat, You tired yourself last night and overslept, Tch," Kurama said to me

Naruto: "Did I?" I said as I suddenly heard a scream downstairs 'Crap I forgot about this day' I thought as I Dressed up in my ninja attire as I went down stairs

As I went outside I saw Tsunami captured and tied up in a rope as two of Gato's men were there

Inari: "Let go of my mom!" Inari said as he tried to save his mother but was kicked back by one of Gato's' men

Gato's men 1: "You stupid brat, Your mother is all ours, She is gonna be in our hands from now on Hahaha" He laughed as the other one nodded

Tsunami: "Inari pls get away, I'm gonna be fine," She said to him

Gato's men 2: "Yeah brat, Get the hell out of here, She's gonna be fine wi-" He didn't get to finish as I kicked him in the head as the other one didn't have time to look as I punched him in the groin and I chopped his neck as both of Gato's men were unconscious as I untied Tsunami from the rope as she hugs me between her breast

Tsunami: "Thank you so much for saving me Naruto-kun" She said

Naruto: "Don't mention it" I said as she let go of me and kisses me on the cheek as she blushed

Tsunami: "It's the least I could give you for you're bravery," She said shyly as I nodded at her

Inari: "Mom!" Inari said as he ran up to her as he hugs her as she did the same

Tsunami: "Inari, That was so brave of you but please don't ever do that again," She said to him as he nodded

Naruto: "That was pretty brave of you Inari," I said to him as he smiled and I smiled at him

Naruto: "Well I got to go to the bridge" As I was about to leave as Tsunami cupped my face and gave me another kiss on the cheek

Tsunami *Blushing*: "Be safe there" She said as I nodded and went to the bridge 'Geez am I too handsome or something?' I thought as I was making my way to the bridge


Meanwhile in Konoha

Third Hokage: "Ah team 8, You here to take a mission?" The third Hokage said as Kurenai nodded

Kurenai: "Yes Hokage-sama, But can I ask one question?" She said as he nodded

Third Hokage: "Go ahead"

Kurenai: "Where is team 7? We haven't seen them anywhere within the past few days" Kurenai said as Hinata also wants to know

Third Hokage: "Oh, Well they are on a C-rank mission outside of the village," Hiruzen asked as Kurenai was still not convinced

Kurenai: "But it's been a week for only a C-rank?" Kurenai said

Third: "Well I supposed id tell you, The C-rank mission they took turned out to be a B-rank mission," Said Sarutobi as Team 8 and Iruka who was sitting not far from The third Hokage were shocked

Iruka: "B-but Hokage-sama, It was only an escort to the Land of the Waves?" Said Iruka

Third Hokage: "Yes it was supposed to be not that serious but they encountered A-rank missing nin Zabuza Momochi on their way there as Kakashi said that he got some business with the Bridge Builder," Hiruzen asked as everyone in the room were in a terrified expression, And suddenly Hinata started crying

Kurenai: "Hinata, Why are you crying?" Kurenai said

as she was by her side trying to calm her down

Hinata *Crying* "I-is *sniff* N-Naruto-Kun gonna *sniff* be o-okay," She said as Kurenai looked at The third Hokage

Third Hokage: "Yes Hinata, He is fine and all of team 7, Don't worry they are all gonna be ok," He said to Hinata as she started to calm down

Hinata: "O-ok," She said but still worried about his Naruto-Kun

Kurenai: "Let's go home, For now, Tomorrow will continue getting missions," Kurenai said as Kiba and Shino understood as they said their goodbyes and went home as Hinata and Kurenai went to a bakery and ordered Hinata's favorite cinnamon roll as they found somewhere to eat

Kurenai: "Hinata, Don't worry he'll be okay," Kurenai said to her

Hinata: "I hope so Kurenai sensei" (She's more confident to talk with Kurenai because of their relationship when Hinata was still a kid) She said

Kurenai: "Now come on, I'll walk you home," Kurenai said as she nodded and she took her home as Kurenai went to her apartment (Idk if Kurenai has an apartment or a house or just an apartment, let me know if) as she slept.