Invasion [An Injured Jinchuriki]

Naruto: "I'll just go somewhere Shika" I said to him

Shikamaru: "Where are you going?" He asked me

Naruto: "Somewhere" I replied as i vanished and reappeared later behind Hinata

Naruto: "Yo Hinata-chan" I greeted her as she yelped in surprise as she almost jumped out of her seat

Hinata: "N-Naruto-kun?" She said to me with her ever so cute voice as her face was covered with her blush

Naruto: "Yeah it's me! Wanna go outside with me? My match is already finished" I asked her

Hinata: "B-but do you not w-want to watch Sasuke-kun's f-fight?"

Naruto: "I want too but this is more important" I said to her as she blushed harder

Kiba: "Where are you two going anyways?" Asked Kiba as i looked at him

Naruto: "Secret" I said to him as i grabbed Hinata bridal-style as i heard her 'eep' as we ran out of the arena like a married couple and the crowd just stared at us

Sakura: "Huh? Where are those two lovebirds going?"

Ino: "I don't know you tell me" Ino said

Kakashi: "Ahh, I smell love in the air" Kakashi said as he was reading his Icha Icha

Third: "What is Naruto up to now" He muttered lowly

Orochimaru: "I need to make sure that brat doesn't interfere" Orochikaze said quietly.

We made it out of the Arena as i let Hinata down to the ground as she was fidgeting her fingers

Hinata: "S-so where are w-we going N-Naruto-kun?" She asked shyly

Naruto: "We are going to my apartment, Only the two of us alone" I said to her as Hinata was surprised

Hinata: "Y-your apartment? A-alone? W-with N-Naruto-kun" She muttered as she was about to faint as i cupped her face

Naruto: "Look at me, Don't you dare faint on me now Hinata-chan" I said to her as she looked into eyes as she nodded and i lifted her up bridal-style again as we vanished and moment's later reappeared in my apartment as i laid her in my bed as many thoughts ran into Hinata's head 'Are we doing it? I-is this really happening' she thought as i sat on the edge of the bed as i looked at her

Naruto: "Hinata-chan, Promise me you'll stay here until i get back okay?" I said to her

Hinata: "W-where are y-you going N-Naruto-kun?" She asked

Naruto: "...Look Hinata-chan, There's gonna be an invasion on the village" I said to her as she *Gasped*

Hinata: "I-invasion?!" She said out loud as i shushed her lips with my finger

Naruto: "Yes Hinata-chan, Please lower your voice so no one can hear us" I said to her as i removed my finger from her soft pink lips as she nodded

Hinata: "W-wait if their i-is going to b-be an invasion, T-then why are the p-people are not staying i-inside their home or evacuate?" She asked me

Naruto: "If they do that then the enemy will notice it and they will immediately start the invasion right there and then, But don't worry, People are getting evacuated, Just slowly but surely so that they don't notice anything suspicious" I replied to her as she nodded as i stood up from the bed

Naruto: "Well i'll be going now, Make yourself at home okay" I said to her as i turned around but not before Hinata pulled me into my bed as she laid on top of me as she hugged me tightly

Hinata: "Please be careful out their" She worriedly said to me 'Ehehe, Oh my sweet cinnamon roll' i thought as i responded to her hug as i wrapped my arms around her

Naruto: "Im going to be fine" I reassured her

Hinata: "W-well if you say so, A-and please t-try to save Hanabi a-and...Neji-nii-san" She said as Hinata looked at me

Naruto: "Of course, I'll protect both of them 'Hiashi already handled some people during the show so idc about him' i promise" I said to her as she smiled

Hinata: "T-thank you Naruto-kun" She said as i nodded

Naruto: "I should be going then" I said as she got up as i did the same as she layed back down again 'She must be in love with my bed' i thought

Naruto: "See ya later Hinata-chan" I said as i dissapeared in thin air as i appeared outside of my apartment as i bit my thumb and slammed my hand to the ground

Naruto: "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" I said as a *Poof* of smoke erupted as Gamakichi could be seen

Naruto: "Yo Gamakichi" I greeted him

Gamakichi: "Yo Naruto, It's been a month since you've summoned me"

Naruto: "Sorry, I was kinda busy doing my own thing"

Gamakichi: "Eh it's alright, So what do you need?"

Naruto: "Okay so what you are going to do is to follow Hokage-jiji-sama, Make sure you won't get seen by anybody, Well except civilians just dont get

caught okay, Theirs gonna be an invasion here so be careful"

Gamakichi: "Alright, Is that all?

Naruto: "Yeah, Just wait for me to come to you, I have something else to deal with" I said as Gamakichi nodded as he made his way to Hiruzen as i created a 10 Shadow Clones

Naruto: "3 of you stay here, The other 3 go protect Hanabi, And another 3, I don't think it's necessary but you look after Neji" I ordered them as moved 1 clone was left

Naruto: "YOU!...Protect as much civilians as you can when the invasion starts"

Clone: "..."

Naruto: "Either you do it or i do you, Wait that sounded wrong, Just do what i asked you to do" I said as he nodded as i made my back to the arena 'The people in the arena would just be in a genjutsu so no worries about them, Atleast i hope' i thought

And a minute later i arrived in the arena next to shika as Sasuke and Gaara were already fighting

Naruto: "Sorry if i bailed like that" I said to him

Shikamaru: "Troublesome blonde" He muttered

Naruto: "Look's like Gaara has the upperhand" I said as Gaara kept chasing Sasuke around the arena with his sand

Shikamaru: "If this goes on, Sasuke will lose" He said as i nodded

Naruto: "He'll drain his stamina Sasuke doesn't do something" I said as i saw Gaara's sand armor already damaged 'So he managed to hit him' i thought as Sasuke kept dodging his sand until he stopped at the back of the arena as he started making handsigns

Sasuke: "It'll end like this, Chidori!" He said as 1000 birds chirping can be heard as lighting formed in Sasuke's hand as he rushed at Gaara with his Sharingan full speed as he dodged his incoming sand attacks

Naruto: "Here we go" I said quietly as Sasuke appeared in front of Gaara as he brought his right hand up to his chest as it hit Gaara, Even with sand around him, Sasuke's Chidori pierced through it but Gaara's sand caught his hand as Sasuke quickly removed his hands from his chest as a big sand hand appeared as it tried to catch Sasuke but he managed to get away in time as it came back to Gaara as suddenly a roar could be heard in the arena as Sasuke saw Shukaku's eye for the first time as the sand around Gaara started to crack and break as it fell down to the ground.


Gai: "Kakashi is this..."

Kakashi: "Yeah, A Genjutsu" He said

Kakashi/Gai: "Kai!" They both said in unison as they broke the Genjutsu as they saw that the crowd was sleeping except for a few like Sakura

Baki: "Genjutsu, Is Kabuto already moving? The. it's time then" He muttered under his breath.

Orochimaru: "It's coming" He said as he turned his head towards Hiruzen as he did the same

Orochimaru: "Shall we begin?" He said as the two people around Orochimaru started their move as they ignited smoke bombs as Sasuke, Kakashi and Gai saw it as Baki stood up and looked at Temari and Kankuro and understood

Shikamaru: "What's going?"

Naruto: "It look's like Sunagakure ninja's are here"

Shino: "Indeed, So that means"

Shikamaru: "Were under attack"

Naruto: "Yeah, Let's hurry to Kakashi-sensei" I said as they nodded as we made out way their.

Third: "Kazekage-dono, What is going on?" Said Sarutobi as he looked at him as he saw his eyes as he was surprised

Penisus: "Hokage-sama, Let's go" He said as the smoke became larger as the Anbu arrived

Leader: "Squad one above with me, Squad two below, Protect the lords"He said as they nodded and left as Sand ninja's appeared out of the smoke as they rushed the Anbu

Anbu: "Your in the way" He said as he easily dealt the four ninja's but not before losing a great ninja as Penisus was embedded with kunai's in his chest

Penisus: "*Cough* Hokage-sama, P-please leave" He said in his final breath as Hiruzen stood up as Orochimaru put him in a headlock as he placed a kunai in his neck as both of them were in the air as they arrived on the roof as the Anbu just watched as the four Sand ninja's arrived on the roof of the arena as they were revealed to be the Sound four or Orochimaru's servants

Kidomaru: "It's finally our time"

Sakon: "We've been in a henge forever"

Tayuya: "You guys smell all sweaty"

Jiboro: "Come on, Were all comrade's right?" they argued as Hiruzen looked at them 'Sound Ninja' he thought.

Anbu: "Raido.." Said one of the Anbu members

Anbu: "We're heading out to back up Hokage-sama"

Leader: "Be careful of any traps" He said to them as they split up

Orochimaru: "Do it now" Ordered Orochimaru as four of them put their hands on the roof as it created a purple rectangular barrier

Gamakichi: "Not good" He said as he saw Sarutobi got trapped in the barrier with Orochimaru

Gamakichi: "Naruto better hurry" He muttered as he continued to watch the scene in front of him.

Kakashi: "To think they could outwit the Anbu" He said as him and Gai were about to help Hiruzen but a man with a black cloak and an Anbu masked appeared in front of them

Gai: "What are you doing? Hokage-sama is in trouble" He said to the Anbu as four people were hiding amongst the crowd as they jumped to the Anbu's side

Temari/Kankuro: "Gaara!" they both said as they jumped off the platform next to Gaara

Temari: "Come on Kankuro, We need to get out of here" She said as he nodded and lifted Gaara's arm around his shoulder's to aid him as they started to run

Sasuke: "Oh no you don't" Said Sasuke as he followed them.

Kakashi: "Not good"

Gai: "Look's like we'll have to fight first" He said as the ninja's charged at them but not before i knocked all of them out as they landed on the ground ad me, Shikamaru and Shino arrived on time

Kakashi: "Right on time i guess" He said as Gai gave us u thumbs up

Naruto: "Sensei, Sasuke has left and chased after the three sand ninja's" I said with a serious tone

Kakashi: "Then you, Shikamaru, Shino and Sakura will find him, It might get crazy if those two fought" He said as we nodded

Kakashi: "Wait, I think this will help you on your journey, Kuchiyose no Jutsu" He said as i little brown dog with long ears and a headband around his head appeared

Kakashi: "This is Pakkun, He's a tracker dog, Pakkun will help find Sasuke easier" He said as Kakashi brought up a scent of Sasuke on Pakkun as he sniffed it

Pakkun: "Come on, I'll know the way" He said as we started to move, I could just do it alone but for safety reasons i'll bring them too

Sakura: "Wait Naruto, Your too fast!" She said as i slowed down

Naruto: "We should hurry, It will be better" I said as Shikamaru and Shino could go faster but Sakura...

Sakura: 'But i'm not fast as you three" She said, Lowering her head in shame '*Sigh* there's no other way' i thought as i carried Sakura as she instinctively wrapped her hands around me as we started running faster

Sakura: "H-hey, I know im not fast but is their any other way?" She said to me as i shooked my head

Naruto: "No there's no other way, Carrying you is much more convenient" I said as she nodded 'He smell's nice....And he's nice and warm, Oh what am i thinking, I like Sasuke-kun...' She thought as she tried her hardest to think of anything besides Naruto carrying him right now as they made their way towards Sasuke.

Third: "Kazekage, What is the meaning of this?"

Orochikaze: "Hehehe, Your village will be no more once im done with you" He said as he removed his hat revealing Orochimaru in the flesh

Third: "Orochimaru..." He said to him as he managed to get away from his grip which made Orochimaru mad

Third: "I never thought you'd do this to the village, Why?" Hiruzen said as Orochimaru discarded the remaining

Orochimaru: "Kukuku sensei...You know nothing" He said as he held thr Kusanagi blade in his hands

Third: "So it's like that Orochimaru" He said as he removed his Hokage robes as he wore grey shinobi battle armor, With heavy protection all over his body, Consisting of a black jumpsuit, Mesh segments over the lower portions of his limbs, And a green gauntlet that covered much of his right arm, He also wore an armoured hood with a bandanna-like forehead protector over this, tied with two long straps.

Third: "Good thing i prepared" He said as Orochimaru grinned

Orochimaru: "I'll end this today sensei" He said as he rushed him as the battle between Teacher and Student has begun.