Accidental Encounter With Danzo

[Next Day]

After the incident yesterday, I just stayed in my apartment, Of course i'm not gonna be that lazy as i created some clones to train my MS abilities, Or maybe even unlock my Susanoo

Naruto: "Come to think of it, I haven't experienced the blindess that i should have after using my MS, Hmm, Maybe...because im just that awesome" I said to myself

*Knock* *Knock*

Naruto: "Come in" I said and the door opened, Revealing Kakashi

Naruto: "What's up sensei? Your up pretty early"

Kakashi: "Tsunade-sama wants you" He said bluntly

Naruto: "Huh?"

Kakashi: "I meant, Tsunade-sama needs to see you" He corrected

Naruto: "Okay, I'll be their in like 5 minutes" I said and he nodded and left as i got up from my bed

Naruto: "What does she want?" I mumbled as i took my daily routine in the shower and left for the Hokage office.



Tenten: "Okay, What is this meeting for?" She said

Shikamaru: "The reason why i called all of you here is about Naruto and Sakura" He said, Making everyone more curious, Especially Hinata

Ino: "What happened?"

Neji: "So yesterday, They had an argument, Sort of" He said to them

Hinata: "A-argument?" She said and Neji nodded

Kiba: "How did you even know about it?"

Neji: "Kakashi-sensei told me and Shikamaru about it"

Ino: "Oh really? Tell us then!"

Lee: "Yes Neji-kun! Tell as what exactly happened between the two!"

Tenten: "Lee stop shouting!"

Shikamaru: "Okay okay, Just be quiet, Im supposed to be sleeping right now but i decided to share it with all of you" He said as everybody calmed down

Shikamaru: "Alright, So basically, Sakura blamed Naruto for not saving Sasuke" He said as everyone became quiet, After sometime Ino spoke up

Ino: "Really? I guess she really cared about Sasuke for even blaming Naruto, Is that all?"

Shikamaru: "Nope, Naruto fought Orochimaru the Sannin and forced him to retreat"


Tenten: "A-are you sure you didn't say anything wrong Shika?"

Lee: "Um yeah, I know Naruto-kun is strong, But that strong...."

Ino: "Yeah, I think your exaggerating a little bit"

Neji: "We're serious, He fought and forced Orochimaru to run away" He said to the three as there was another awkward silence

Ino: "How come Choji and Kiba are not surprised?!"

Shikamaru: "Because they already knew" He said to the troublesome blonde

Hinata: "A-are there more you should t-tell us Shikamaru-kun?" She said

Shikamaru: "Yes, Naruto argued back at her and was boiling mad, They almost fought but Kakashi managed to restrain Naruto in time" He said, Making everyone worried about the two

Ino: "Where are they?"

Shikamaru: "I think Naruto's at his apartment, I don't know about Sakura though" He said as Ino nodded

Hinata: "Naruto-kun..." She mumbled quietly

Tenten: "Don't worry Hinata, We'll find a way to make them forgive each other" She said to her

Hinata: "O-okay, I just hope he's alright" She said 'She really cares about him' they all had the same thoughts

Ino: "We'll do something for both of them tommorow that will make them forgive each other" She said

Shikamaru: "Like What?"

Ino: "Alright so here's what we do..." And she started to talk about the plan for tommorow, After she finished, Everyone agreed as they went back to what they were doing, Except for a certain Hyuga...


As i was about to enter the Hokage mansion, A wild Danzo appeared in front of me as we bump into each other

Danzo: "Watch where you going" He said in a dark and terrifying way

Naruto: "I should say that to you, Considering you only have one eye" I said as he gritted his teeth

Danzo: "You dare say that!"

Naruto: "It's true, Is it not?" I replied back as i sensed him gathering chakra in his hands, But immediately canceled it as i smirked

Danzo: "You don't know who your messing with" His last words before dissapearing in a *Poof* of smoke

Naruto: "I should try to get Shisui's eye, And later on i will get the other one, Courtesy of Itachi, Maybe i'll give it to Kakashi, Since his Sharingan will be gone after we defeat Kaguya" I mumbled as i continued to go towards Tsunade's office.



Tsunade: "Are you sure you want to get Naruto to come with you in your journey?" She asked Jiraiya who was sitting next to a window

Jiraiya: "Yeah, The Akatsuki will be moving soon, And i have to get Naruto ready before that happens"

Tsunade: "But why bring him with you?"

Jiraiya: "It'll be good if we kept moving and not stay in one place, They will have an easier time to monitor us" He said to her and she nodded

Tsunade: "What's up with Danzo anyways? He's been acting... Strange" She said, Changing the subject

Jiraiya: "I don't know," He said as the door opened, Revealing me as they turned their faces towards me

Naruto: "Hey Pervy old man" I greeted Jiraiya

Jiraiya: "Don't call me that!"

Naruto: "Anyways, What do you want Hokage-sam-"

Tsunade: "We talked about this Naruto, Call me Tsunade Oba-chan" She demanded

Naruto: "Fine, So why am i here Tsunade Oba-chan?" I asked as she smiled

Tsunade: "Much better, Alright so the reason why your here is because your going to leave with Jiraiya" She said 'Wait, Already? Shit'

Naruto: "How long is our trip?"

Jiraiya: "3 years brat, But i'll give you one week before we go" He said and i nodded 'Phew! Atleast i have some days left before going' i thought

Tsunade: "Hey Naruto, Did you meet up with someone who had bandages around his face?"

Naruto: "Yeah, Danzo right? We bumped into each other, And i made him mad and he left" I said


Tsunade: ".. Anyways, That's all, Your dismissed" She said and i nodded and vanished.


After a while i arrived back at my apartment as suddenly i sense someone outside

Naruto: "...Root? Geez, He's finally on me" I said lowly as to not let the Root ninja hear as i had a genius plan and i walked out of my apartment and looked directly at the Root Ninja who was hiding very well on the side of my apartment

Naruto: "I know your their" I said but he ignored me 'So, You think you slick?'

Naruto: "Let's see what the Hokage has to say about this" I said as it made the Root ninja tensed a little as i smirked

Naruto: "Come out" I said but he still wouldn't come out

Naruto: "Well i better tell Hokage-sama about this" I said and i turned around to go to the Hokage mansion but i sensed him running away as i stop

Naruto: "*Sigh* Good thing it's only now thay Danzo has me monitored" I said as i created around 100 clones to train more with my MS

Naruto: "Speaking of clones, They finally finished creating a silencing seal and of course the other one" I said and applied a silencing seal on my apartment

Naruto: "Their, Now no one's hearing nothing" I said and entered my apartment and laid lazily back in bed

*Knock* *Knock*

Naruto: "Come in" I said and Hinata entered and sat next to my bed

Naruto: "What's up hime?" I greeted her as she blushed

Hinata: "U-um nothing, I just came by t-to see if your okay" She said as she held my hand 'So she knew' i thought as i closed my eyes

Naruto: "Who told you?" I asked

Hinata: "W-well, Shikamaru-kun told us, I-i promise i wont tell them"

Naruto: "It's okay" I said to her as she nodded

Naruto: "I've got something to tell you"

Hinata: "W-what is it Naruto-kun?"

Naruto: "I'm leaving in about a week" I said and Hinata's eyes widened

Hinata: "W-what?!" She exclaimed loudly

Naruto: "I'm leaving with Jiraiya for 3 years, In order to protect all of you, I'll have to leave"

Hinata: "B-but why now.."

Naruto: "I just got the news today actually"

Hinata: "W-well, I-" She was about to say something but i brought my finger towards her lips

Naruto: "Shhh, I promise" I said in a calm way as i removed my finger from her lips

Hinata: "H-how did you know what i was about to say?"

Naruto: "Your easy to predict" I said and she blushed

Naruto: "Come on then, I'll walk you back" I said and got up from my bed

Hinata: "B-but it's still ear-mfmfm" I covered her mouth with my own and started to kiss her, Making her fall in my bed as i was on top of her, She took a while to process what's going as she kissed me back and i deepened the kiss

After awhile we both had to break the kiss to get some air as we were panting

Naruto: "Are you sure you don't wanna go home Hinata-chan~" I teased her and saw her face flushed from embarrassment 'I-i can't do it y-yet, There is s-still some time' as she shake her head side to side

Naruto: "That's what i thought" I said as i got up and so did she, We went outside and just walked in silence

Sometime later, We arrived

Naruto: "Well here we are"

Hinata: "Thank y-you, Naruto-kun" She said and i nodded

Naruto: "Take care" I said and vanished.


Danzo: "What?!"

Root Ninja: "Yes Danzo-sama, He managed to locate me" He said to him

Danzo: "I'm guessing he probably told the Hokage about it, Don't come close to him anymore"

Root Ninja: "Hai Danzo-sama!" He said and was gone

Danzo: "Even with Hiruzen gone, This is going to be a problem, That stinkin brat! I'll get you soon" He said and chuckled.

[Hope you enjoy, I will take a short brake, Sorry but i got somethings to do]