Hinata's Gratitude

And two days have past, Which means i have some days left before we are going to leave Konoha

Naruto: "Odama Rasenrengan" I said as both of my hands created a big ass Rasengan as i had a satisfactory smile

Naruto: "This would be a little to overkill, But nonetheless another technique has been learned" I said happily as i made my way back to my apartment and laid in my bed

Naruto: "There's nothing to do but wait, When i come back, Thing's will be happening more, I have to train like heck in these 3 years"

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock was heard as Jiraiya entered

Naruto: "What's the matter?" I asked

Jiraiya: "Oh nothing, I just came to see what you were doing and it look's like your just laying in bed"

Naruto: "Well i just finished training"

Jiraiya: "Is that so?" He said as i nodded

Jiraiya: "*Sigh* Well in a couple of days we will be gone, Why don't you spend the remaining of your time here with that Hyuga girl, Hehe~"

Naruto: "You know what, I could do that"

Jiraiya: "That's ma boy, Now i've also gotta go spend my remaining time as well" He said and left in a hurry towards the bathhouse

Naruto: "Might as well spend my remaining days with Hinata" I said and got up and went to go to Hinata.



*Knock* *Knock*

Tsunade: "Who's their?"

Hinata: "I-it's me, Tsunade-sama"

Tsunade: "Oh Hinata, Come in" She said as Hinata entered the office

Tsunade: "So what brings you here Hinata?"

Hinata: "W-well um, Where will N-Naruto-kun be going?" She asked Tsunade as she just smiled

Tsunade: "Well it's up to them to see where they are going, Why do you want to know?"

Hinata: "O-oh um, Nothing i j-just wanted t-to know"

Tsunade: "You missed him already, He hasn't left yet"

Hinata: "W-wha?!"

Tsunade: "Haha, Oh Hinata, You picked the right kind of man, But you better catch him before any other girl's get him" She said as Hinata blushed

Hinata: "W-what should i d-do?"

Tsunade: "Well you could just confess to him and see what happens next"

Hinata: "T-thank you Tsunade-sama" She said as Tsunade nodded

Tsunade: "No problem, You can go now" She said as Hinata left to go to my apartment.


Naruto: "Huh? Why's Hinata at the Hokage mansion?" I mumbled as i sensed her chakra signature

Naruto: "Let's go see then" I said as i vanished

And sometime later, I spotted Hinata leaving and going towards my apartment

Naruto: "She's looking for me" I said as i secretly followed her

Sometime later, Hinata arrived in front of my apartment

Naruto: "I should go inside" I said and appeared inside of my apartment and sat in my bed, Waiting for her to knock at my door.


Sasuke: "Argh! W-where am i?" He tiredly said as he looked around his surroundings, When his vision was clear, He saw Orochimaru and Kabuto sitting next to him

Orochimaru: "Kukuku, You're finally up Sasuke-kun" He said as he licked his tounge

Sasuke: "W-wha, Where the hell am i!" He shouted and tried to get up, But his arms were tied up

Kabuto: "I knew you'd do something like this" He said as he adjusted his glasses

Sasuke: "Why am i here!"

Orochimaru: "Well you wanted power right Sasuke-kun? My servants offered you a chance and you took it, And now your here"

Sasuke: "LET GO OF ME!" He said and his eyes activated his three-tomoe Sharingan

Orochimaru: "Do you want to kill your brother Sasuke? I'll give you the power you desire to kill the one who massacred your clan, My offer stand's, The question is, Do you accept?" He offered Sasuke one more time as silence entered the room

And after about minutes of silence, Sasuke answered

Sasuke: "What are the things i'll get when i accept your offer?"

Orochimaru: "Oh very wise, I'll train you personally, And will teach you everything i know, So is it a deal?"

Sasuke: "...Alright, I'll accept your offer" He finally said as Orochimaru happily smiled

Orochimaru: "You'll be killing your brother soon Sasuke-kun kukuku, Kabuto, Untie Sasuke, It's time to train him" He said as Kabuto nodded.


Kisame: "It seem's that Orochimaru got your brother, Itachi" He said to him

Itachi: "Sasuke..." He faintly said 'Why did you leave the village' he thought

Kisame: "And there's also that Kyuubi Jinchuriki brat, He's the one who fought Orochimaru for your little brother, Unfortunately he didn't managed to save him, But he did managed to force that snake to retreat" He said as Itachi heard what Kisame said and was surprised, But was replaced again with his normal face

Itachi: "Let's go back to base to report to Pain-sama" He said and started to walk away as Kisame followed behind.


*Knock* *Knock*

Naruto: "Come in" I said as Hinata came inside of my apartment and sat on the nearby chair

Naruto: "What's up Hinata-chan"

Hinata: "N-nothing much, I-i just came to see you"

Naruto: "Really? I was just about to look for you also" I said and she blushed

Naruto: "So what brings you here Hinata-chan?"

Hinata: "W-well since your going to l-leave soon, I'd like y-you to remember of what im about to say, Even though you might already know it"

Naruto: "And what is it?"

Hinata: "I-i lo- u-um i-" She stuttered 'Just say it already' she thought in her head

Naruto: "What was that Hinata-chan?"

Hinata: "Iloveyou!" She quickly said as i grinned at her blushing face

Naruto: "You mean it?" I said as she looked at me

Hinata: "Y-yes, I meant everything i said" She said as i couldn't hold back a chuckle

Hinata: "W-what is it N-Naruto-kun?"

Naruto: "You don't know how long i've been waiting for you to say that 'Well to be honest, I could've just tricked her into saying that when i first reincarnated here'." I said

Hinata: "Really?! Wait so that means-"

Naruto: "Were mutuals of course" I said and she blushed even harder as i asked Hinata to sat next to me as she did and i laid her head on my lap, Making her a tomato head.

[Okay, Sooo, Yeah, Alright, Final time, Do you want a lemon or no, I've seen some of the votes and respones, So this is your final chance to vote.]

