Reason 4: She Is So Not Good In Handling Money (End)

Tonight, I am attending the biggest event of my life.

It's Blessie's debut.

School ended a month ago.

And my one year of hard work paid off.

I ranked among the top seven of the room.

However, we don't know our exact ranking because we are all granted the With High Honors award.

Conclusion: I am not average.

My narcissistic side: I am a genius, and this school recognizes me.

Anyway, last week, when I received the invitation to her debut, it feels like I caught all the luck in the world.

I immediately went to the mall to chose a suitable gift for the birthday celebrant. Even if I ended up spending all my savings because I can't chose properly.

Mother accompanied me to buy a new dress for the theme of the party.

The new dress made me more confident with my appearance.

And father would be fetching me from the party venue by nine in the evening.

The venue of the debut would be in the capital city at six in the evening, so the vehicles that are for hire would not be making their rounds. For me to reach home safely, father would fetch me. And besides, he also has some business in the capital that night.

Wearing my new dress and carrying my gift, I walked into the venue and was amazed by how magical and dreamy the place is. It's what Blessie deserved.

The guests and our other classmates arrived one by one.

Cia, our classmate and Blessie's best friend arrived with her boyfriend and sat next to me.

"Hey Rae! Have you prepared your speech later? You're part of the Eighteen Candles, right?" she asked as she put down her gift beside her.

"Yup. Just a short wish can do, right? I really don't know much about this. It's my first time attending such an event," I answered back as I pretended to scratch the back of my head.

"Anything is fine, as long as it came from the heart. Anyway, are you free to join us for the Class Outing? Even our adviser would be joining. It'll be a pity if you can't come. Everyone would be looking forward to it with you around," Cia invited as I shook my head.

"I can't. I have a lot of work to do at home. It's summertime, so I'll be helping with the chores and at our store. Sorry," I apologized as I really cannot come.

It's a pity though. It should be my first time experiencing a Class Outing because I never really joined my old classmates in their wandering gimmicks before. But I really can't come.

"It's fine. About half of our class said yes to the Class Outing, after all. The others have something to do or was not allowed to go by their parents. Plus the Holy Week is just around the corner," Cia said as I remembered that the Holy Week would be by next week.

The Holy Week is an event of the Roman Catholic Church where our Lord Jesus Christ dies by the cross to save the world. We have to do our responsibilities as a Catholic and attend the event. There are a lot of prohibitions during the Week, such as not eating meat and working.

Cia and I also talked about various other things until the party started.

"Everyone, let us welcome, our debutante! Miss Blessie Genevieve Alonzo!" the emcee called as everyone clapped their hands and welcomed the celebrant.

Blessie arrived in the venue, in her shining blue dress. She has make up on, and her hair was fixed to hold a shining silver crown.

I never thought that she can be even more beautiful tonight.

I was stuck frozen standing as she walked down the red carpet in the venue, walking towards the chair in the middle for everyone to celebrate her birthday.

As she sat there, the program started. The Eighteen Candles was called. And we were supposed to give a speech.

I won't elaborate on my speech, as I'm too embarrassed to remember what I've said.

After the Eighteen Candles, the other Eighteen events happened.

Blessie danced with the Roses, was given thousands by the Blue Bills, offered gifts by the Treasures, and drank wine with the Shots.

The party we successful.

The dinner was also fantastic.

I had to ask the waiter about the hired chefs of the party, and they answered me that Cia's family was hired to do this dish, Renz's family cooked this dish, while the other dishes were ordered from a certified restaurant.

An event this big is what Blessie deserved.

I wonder if my debut party would also be like this?

In the middle of the party, Blessie also changed into a fiery red dress with shining crystals. I bet that that cost a lot.

Before the closing of classes, Blessie and her friends were planning this event. I've heard that this venue alone cost 18 thousand pesos. The dishes would also be bought per head with a hundred guests. Her dresses were also counted as expenses, and she even had her own photographers to film the debut.

Knowing all of this, I've suddenly realized just how rich Blessie's family is.

An event this big would have never happened to me.

My family only has our humble family store, and father even has to go farm during the afternoon to be able to make me go to school.

My parents are doing their very best to support us, and only by helping out at home can I at least pay back their hard work.

So I can't really come to the Class Outing even if I really want to go. Because I have a family who needs me.

"Blessie, happy birthday," I managed to greet her personally after the event.

Right now, everyone is trying to get photos of the place, and the others are trying to get pictures with her. With my turn, I can also get a picture with Blessie.

"Thanks," she answered back and smiled at me.

She's sitting in her chair, looking all majestic and noble. Her smile accentuated her deep dimples and it's making me froze all over again.

It's blinding.

"Rae, get the picture taken quickly. We also want to get some," Lisa and Kaye also attended the party and now, they are urging me to quickly take a photo.

I stiffly went to stand beside her, and looked at the photographer in front.

And I gave my very best smile since transferring.

I'll remember this day forever.