Reason 5: I Like Her (2)

Grade 12.

A start of another year. And I'll also be turning 17, a year older. I have a lot of hopes for this new school year, which includes all the others that I didn't manage to achieve last year.

 For example, I wanted to experience the Unit Meets of this District. I was defeated last year in the Intramurals and was not able to represent the school for chess.

I also want to play basketball with the others, and to join other sports that were out of my reach before.

I'm a fully pledged student of this school, so I need to show lesser restraint.

"Rae! Sit beside us!" First day of school and someone is dragging me already.

Joana made me sit next to her and Nicole. Surprisingly, the two of them got closer to each other after being seatmates once last year, and until now, their friendship is growing. But Nicole might kidnap Joana away from my friend circle though.

"Hey! I already reserved a seat beside Rae! Joana, that's unfair!" Shine, my previous seatmate, complained to Joana.

I remembered her chat me about becoming my seatmate for the First Quarter of the school year, and I agreed. Shine is a good girl, and she might become the Class Muse once more. She's also responsible and hardworking.

If I was infected by the lazy approaches of my classmates here in this school, I might even let Shine do my assignments.

But I doubt that.

I had two whole months of separation from my classmates. They does not have any method of infecting me with their laziness for the summer.

"Alright class, behave. Since this is the first day of the school year, we'll only have introductions with your teachers. No new faces are added this year, so we can even hold a class election early on. Later this afternoon, we'll choose our officers," Ma'am Ismael, our classroom adviser and our former Mathematics teacher, said as she gave us our schedule for the whole semester.

"We'll have our swimming lessons by the Fourth Quarter in PE, right? I can't wait for the closing of classes!" a certain lazy student commented as the others followed his lead.

Guys, this is just the first day of classes and you want to end it already? Just how lazy are you?

"Anyway, guys, who would you all like to be the President for the election later?" Neil, still the Supreme Student Government's President, asked as he observed each and every one of us.

It made me feel uncomfortable, as Neil can be a hot guy sometimes, but my heart is already owned by someone so I let it go.

Last year, the class President was Ana, as irresponsible she may look, but she is a highly qualified class President if I'm asked. She attended every school council meeting and took the time to hear out all our opinions. She managed the class well, and I am extremely satisfied with her care.

"Ana!" I immediately suggested. I thought that everyone would also agree with me, but what they said was completely opposite of what I had in mind.

Ana shook her head as she rebutted my suggestion.

"I don't want to undergo another hell year managing this class, Rae. Please choose another candidate. I, on the other hand, would like to just sit by and relax for this school year," Ana said, as relaxation and relief is evident on her face.

She's even drinking a cup of coffee leisurely like it was tea! Wait, where did she get that coffee, by the way?

"You want to buy coffee, Rae?" Joy asked, our classmate and a certified merchant. She's been selling several items at school since last year, and she earned quite a bit. She even offered me a branded make up kit last year.

I shook my head as I watched her offer her coffee packets to our classmates, and how they bought those and drank coffee in the first day of school.

Seriously, this year will be disaster, right?

The rest of the day was boring as usual, and we only introduced ourselves with the teachers of each subject.

Some students were also trying to get closer to our teachers, which labels them as 'teachers' pets'. However, I feel like they really do need to act like teachers' pets sometimes because of all the trouble they are brewing. Some back up would be great.

"The table is now open for nomination of president. Any nominations?" Ma'am Ismael presided the election first because we still do not have our own president.

I was thinking of nominating Ana, but since she does no want to, I stayed silent.

"Yes, Ana?" Ma'am Ismael took notice of Ana's raised hand.

We all looked at her and Ma'am Ismael signaled her to talk.

"I nominate John Santiago as President," Ana nominated John, our half gay classmate who loved gambling and loves socialization with the other sections. He can be handsome at times, but knowing his true gender, we can only sigh in regret.

Ma'am Ismael waited for other nominations until a certain someone who cannot be named closed the nominations and Neil even seconded.

Really, what happened to the election? How can we vote with only one candidate?

And to be honest, John instantly became the class President without a doubt. He presided over the election after he won.

"The table is now open for nomination of Vice President," John said in a serious tone. He's seriously handsome. A pity though.

Many hands were instantly raised. Finally! A normal election with a few candidates!

"Yes, Blessie?" John, why do you have to pick her of all people? You can pick Nicole or Marie by the side! They'll surely give sound nominations!

"I nominate Raven Aurelia as Vice President," she said, which instantly made the remaining raised hands to lower.

I was suddenly frozen in my seat, then I stiffly looked around the classroom.

Ma'am Ismael is smirking, well, trying not to smirk. But she's still showing her smirk nevertheless.

The others nodded, as if this was a thing they agreed upon since the beginning. Nobody disagreed with my nomination, and it shook me to the core.

I instantly raised my hand and talked to avoid the sudden appointment. However, John shook his head and even Ma'am Ismael agreed with him.

"You're the only nomination, miss Aurelia. And surely, no one disagreed with your nomination. It's already set in stone. You just have to be a responsible officer for a year. Not a bad deal, right?" Ma'am Ismael tried to reason with me as they tried to shove this responsibility unto me.

No!!! This is unfair! This is not part of what I knew!

I only wanted to study here without any pressure and responsibilities! Why would they ever shove this thing to me?!

"You need to mature up a bit, Rae. And this is what we deemed to be necessary for you to grow," beside me, Nicole said those words with an expression of a profound sage.

I looked at my friends to ask for help, but they only smiled at me and nodded. Especially Jean! She's smiling as if she's my mother!

"This betrayal… I would always remember it," I said with a sigh, as I accepted my fate.