Chapter 1— PROPOSAL


We sometimes make mistakes and those mistakes come back to haunt us in life.

No matter how small or big, they always have a way of sneaking up on us even when we have forgotten about them.

Though they may be scary or they may knock us down, we've got to get up and take back our lives!

We're only humans!


© 2021 Esther Imoseme Aruna

All rights reserved.



All the names and characters in this book are fictitious. They have no existence outside the writer's imagination.


This book is dedicated to my family.


To Jehovah the Almighty God, for his loyal love.

To my brother Aruna Samuel, who gave me support for the story.

To my Mother who always believed in me.

To my eldest brother Aruna Momodu.

To Stanley Ero, the first reader of this book.


About the Author

Aruna Esther Imoseme, is an upcoming writer, born in Ekpoma Edo State, Nigeria.



Every house has its Secrets! 

Book 1






Chapter 1

January, always one of the coldest month in the beautiful town of Rye. The chilly winds burnt through our skins and ran down our spines.

During the winter, especially during the winter, the bars and club houses would be in a thriving mood. Because of the cold, a lot of people would go for a drink or two, or eventually get drunk.

In one of those pubs, there was a certain young bachelor; all crazy and full of life was the able-bodied, handsome William. A young man, free spirited, his idea of fun was to be at every party and go out with every beautiful girl he came across with. His golden, brown eyes lured most girls into his arms, his auburn short, well trimmed hair sat breezly on his head. His bronze skin was a charm to all who laid eyes on it, he was an attraction, a god! Every girl wanted to be in his dreams, but none had that privilege. William .A. Johnson took everything frivolously, anything he wanted, he got! He dared to go places no one would. William-- a prideful man, a flirt, a player.

Soon, he met Amelia, somehow, surprisingly to William he fell in love with her, she wasn't like any other girl, of course he'd had met some beautiful, sweet bronze-skinned girls in the past but this one, this one was special! It was scary and strange to him to know that he had a heart capable of love.

Every night, they were either at the bar or at a restaurant. They were madly in love-- love birds! William was determined to marry Amelia, something in him wanted to be responsible for once.

The glowing relationship blackened out when Amelia and her family had to move to another country, because of her father's new job. According to her, she had to leave and William isn't a stable life kind of guy, he didn't even have a good job.

Inevitably, Amelia left, almost never to return to London. Her memories haunted the town-- from the bars, restaurants, to the streets of Rye and most certainly, it haunted William's heart.

It had been a year since Amelia left, certainly William couldn't endure being so lonely forever, though he had been holding on, waiting and hoping for Amelia's return. He was drowning in the pain for all these months, which felt like years to him.

He met a fun girl-- Olivia, free spirited and crazy like him, somehow she brought light into his frozen heart again. All too soon, Olivia was pregnant for him. When the test results came out, they were both terrified. Olivia disappeared into thin air and William never bothered to look for her.

Just a few weeks later, Amelia returned to Rye, she decided she was ready to be with William. Every emotion and every hair on William's skin sprang up at the sight of the beautiful bronze-skinned Amelia. They held each other for a moment and William knew, this was it! He wasn't going to let her slip through his fingers this time.

He proposed to her, she agreed and the deed was done!