The Third Competition

"Unn..unn.. never let your guards down thinking that the enemy is too weak. Even a small ent is enough to kill the elephant," Evillene stated.

"So what do you suggest, mother?" Kruel asked.

"I think it's time for you to visit your father's old friend," his mother smiled. 

"But I'm afraid we aren't invited," Kruel shook his head. How can they go without invitation and that too at their enemy's house?

"King Zachary will never send a guest away from his doorstep during the summer celebration," Evillene has an evil smile on her lips. As her lips curved up she looked more enchanting.

"We should get ready for a trip to the North then," Kruel joined her mother in smiling evilly. It would have been nice to give them a little shock. After all, they have now debt to pay for Beth's death. Kruel has a cold glint in his eyes.

"And after all, we have to pay back for the sacrifice of Beth," Kruel added.