Dirty dragon

"Ahh…" she walked further away from the crowd and sighed loudly. Her legs were a little stiff but she and Mira were in better condition than anyone else. 

All other three ladies were talking to each other but Silja decided to stay away from them as much as possible.

"Milady wait here I'll go fetch fresh water for you from there," Mira saw a small stream nearby.

Silja nodded her head and Mira left.

The place they have to choose had a small shade around and there were many trees to rest for a while in shadows. Due to the nearby water stream, the air was also cool and the water was clean.

Some small domestic animals were also moving around near the stream and the atmosphere was lovely.

Silja found a large tree and sat down near its trunk. Last night she had very few hours of sleep. What happened yesterday morning was weighing on her mind and since she had to go on a hunt with the man she hated the most, Silja couldn't help but feel anxious.