The Promise

"Yes my father did force you, because he thought that you are the best for me," Donovan said.

"Yes and why am I the best? Because I have powers? Was that the reason he wanted to choose me?" Silja raised a question. 

"I...look princess, I don't want to talk about why he wanted to take part. All I want to know is do you like me or not?" She was right. His father chose her because of her bloodline of witch and power she holds. 

But what others did was not important. He never liked her just because of her powers and that was true.

"Why don't you want to talk about it? And about what I think, does that even matter? Did your father ask me if I wanted to marry you or not before he forced me here?" Silja couldn't help but raise her voice. 

Donovan didn't say anything. More like he has nothing to say.